-3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfi hope you're standing next to us. god...


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Page 1: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq
Page 2: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq


possible new charges to impeach Trump again!

But this time they're accusing him and his businesses of blackmail, money laundering, and bribery!

These Democrats hacks don't know when to quit!

Apparently they were already in the process of preparing these possible charges right before "UKRAINE-GATE" hit the fan.

And now that they've successfully impeached President Trump in the House, they're going back to these charges to try and impeach him again!

That way...

Democrats Want to Impeach Trump Again so They Can CONVICT Him in the Senate or

FINALLY Defeat Him this November!

Talk about unhinged!

And don't count on AG Barr to step in anytime soon!

This neutered elephant is too busy NOT bringing

charges against "Crooked" Hillary and Joe Biden for their alleged corruption!

And when he's not busy taking dives, he's threatening to step down as AG because President Trump's tweets are annoying him.

What an absolute disgrace!

Page 3: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq


President Trump is all alone in this fight!

The only loyal friends he can count on are patriots like you and me, Mr. Rogers.

That's why I - America's toughest lawyer - need your

continued to get the President some much needed political justice (and revenge!) by indicting and prosecuting Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, Nadler, and other politically corrupt Democrats

behind this coup!

BEFORE they impeach him again....

.and finally defeat President Trump this November!

How ironic...

In the end, these rabid Democrats will be the ones who

end up convicted and behind bars, not Trump.

Democrats Are Colluding to DESTROY President Trump by Impeaching Him AGAIN

Now, and Then DEFEATING Him in November!

The Democrats plan is as simple as it is evil:

Damage the Presidents support now by rubbing in the

fact that they impeached him.

Or as Pelosi says, "IMPEACHED FOR LIFE!"

That way they can drag his name through the mud so

they defeat him this November!

Page 4: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq


Sadly, Democrats - led by "Petty" Pelosi have already impeached him in the House. And then made him look like a criminal in the Senate!

Now they're considering impeaching him AGAIN!

That way they can try to convict him in the Senate, or at the very least, destroy him this November!

And it looks like their scam is working!

Because a new poll just showed that 55% of voters want

Trump impeached AGAIN!

That's bad enough! But it gets MUCH worse because...

Pelosi Promised to Indict, Prosecute, and LOCK UP Trump After They Defeat and Remove Him!

You read that right!

According to Fox News, Yahoo, Politico, and numerous

other sources, Pelosi said she

would LOCK UP Trump after

he leaves (or is kicked out) of office!

If - God forbid - Democrats finally do that, or defeat him this November...

Page 5: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq
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I originally founded that has now been hijacked by paper-pushers) that mostly only "uncovers" paperwork,

Freedom Watch is doing the heavy lifting of justice. Showing

one's face on Fox News with documents simply won't cut it!

Freedom Watch does today what Judicial Watch used to do when I conceived of it and ran it for 10 years!

No wonder people call us "The People's Justice Department "I

Because in addition to fighting to STOP Democrats from destroying President Trump, Freedom Watch is also the only group taking the fight to the Democrats by indicting and prosecuting them!

Like how we're about to become the first group to indict Joe Biden, and his equally sleazy son Hunter, for their alleged corruption! I have already sued Joe Biden and his campaign in my personal capacity, as when I announced that Freedom Watch would seek his indictment before a Citizen Grand Jury.

We MUST have your continued support if we are going to be able to indict and then "try and fry" them in our Citizen

Grand Juries ASAP.

On top of this, Freedom Watch is also suing Congresswoman

Page 7: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq


Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) - the hateful Muslim anti-Christian and

anti-Jew member of 'The Squad" - for assault against my client, conservative journalist and patriot Laura Loomer.

Even better, most recently I personally filed a MASSIVE $265 million dollar defamation lawsuit against Democrats Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren for their tweets against my client, George Zimmerman, that accuse him of being a racist!

These disgusting comments are nothing more than a

misguided and malicious attempt to get a higher percentage of the African-American vote!

Now we're hitting these Socialists where it hurts them the most: Their wallets!

On top of this, your continued support is absolutely critical to help make sure we can prosecute and convict the

number one Democrat behind the "RUSSIAN COLLUSION" Witch Hunt...

Special Investigator Mueller!

With your help, we'll "try and fry' this political hack

Page 8: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq
Page 9: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq

"Pelosi and Dems FINALLY IMPEACH President Trump, Defeat Him in 2020, and Now Seek to LOCK

HIM UP as a Private Citizen!

OR this one...

"Trump Gets Last Laugh: Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, Nadler and All Democrats Behind IMPEACHMENT and

COUP Prosecuted to Fullest Extent of the Law as Trump Re-Elected to Help Keep America Great!"

Which one would you rather see?

I know where I stand - right next to the President!

I hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President.

Yours in feedon/ and Liberty,

Larry K1Inan, Esq. Chairma/ and General Counsel Freed Inc.

P.S. - I know it may seem crazy to send you our urgently needed $1 bills today. After all, I'm taking a HUGE risk

sending it to you. But as one of our most faithful friends and

Page 10: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq
Page 11: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq



Fighting the forces of leftist evil Exclusive: Larry IClayman warns of socialism, communism, anti-Semitism

CS By Larry Klayman Published February 28, 2020 at 7:101?m

One thing that you have to give the left credit for: It is very good at using the media to destroy anyone in its path. Historically, the left has dominated nearly every nation's

press, the most infamous example being Adolf Hitler's Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels. Remember and take it to the bank that the Nazi regime was called the National Socialist Party - with an emphasis on socialism, that is, total state

control. That explains why Hitler feared competition from the Josef Stalin, general secretary of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, and why they ultimately

became bitter foes, despite a brief period of collaboration.

And let there be no mistake about it, to use the proverbial words of former President Richard Nixon. What We the People face today is a new world war with socialism,

which is the modern-day equivalent of communism.

The Democratic Party - notwithstanding radicals in the leftist segments of the

Muslim, Latino, Jewish, gay, lesbian and transgender, pro-choice, feminist, black and atheist communities - is now largely embracing a push to what ultimately is a new

communist manifesto, one that is tailored to modern-day realities, but nevertheless


The recent candid comments of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders

came as no surprise. Just last week he heaped praise on Fidel Castro and his brothers and then, for added leftist measure, attacked the American Israel Public Affairs

Committee (AIPAC) and its annual conference in Washington, D.C., not to mention

Israel and its prime minister, Benjamin Natanyahu, predictably branding them both

as racist. Indeed, Karl Marx, the "inventor" of communism, and his henchmen like Leon Trotsky were also despicable self-hating and anti-Semitic Marxists like Sanders. It more than seems that the two go hand-in-hand. Let us also not forget that Stalin had killed and imprisoned Jews and other "deplorables" in forced labor camps, where

2 to 3 million people died. No wonder Bernie's first nuptial thought was to take his

honeymoon in Moscow, which he happily did to worship at the altar of Marx.

Story Continues

Page 12: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq

The predominant socialist/communist/anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party today is so all-powerful that even so-called moderates, like presidential candidates feminist Amy Kiobuchar, gay Pete Buttigieg and Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren, are compelled to toe the line. Like Sanders, they too found attendance at AIPAC's annual conference too capitalist, Jewish and pro-Israel to stomach.

It is no secret that all of the Democratic presidential candidates covet the votes of not just the elderly elements of their leftist voting bloc, but in particular the youth. No

wonder college campuses today are not just going radical socialist/communist, but also anti-Semitic and anti-Christian. To be a Palestinian, a misnomer since Jews and

Christians also hail from what once was called Palestine, is to be revered, but to be Jewish, Israeli and Christian is to be detested as racist.

In this milieu of the left, it is no wonder the leftist media, comprised of socialist/ communists, self-hating Jews and some Muslims in significant part, cater to these segments of society. Just read the New York Times, Washington Post, Los

Angeles Times, or watch CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and ABC, and see what is at play. This push far left is so strong that now even Fox News, which built a huge viewership

in the conservative, libertarian and religious communities, is moving left daily, under the direction of its chairman, Lachlan Murdoch, who was a nemesis to conservative

Roger Ailes when he was alive.

And that, in a socialist/communist/anti-Semitic/anti-Christian nutshell, is why we created a Leftist Media Strike Force at Freedom Watch, your real Justice Department. While President Donald Trump has recently, finally, taken action to sue the New York Times for its defamatory hatchet jobs, which helped trigger both the Russian and Ukrainian witch hunts and stoked an impeachment frenzy on the left, Freedom Watch and yours truly has for the last three years been hard at work bringing hard-hitting cases for our clients, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Dr. Jerome Corsi, Chief Justice Roy Moore, congressional candidate and female conservative Jewish activist Laura Loomer, Fox News sexual harassment victim Laurie Luhn and many, many more good people who have been severely harmed by the leftist media in their quest to turn the nation into a Soviet/Castro style anti-Semitic/anti-Christian prison in the mold of a

socialist/communist gulag.

Fellow patriots, I am not going to be shy or modest. There is no lawyer in the land

who has the guts and perseverance of yours truly and who will risk all as a matter of

principle. Please go to www.freedomwatchusa.org and join and support our Leftist

Media Strike Force to arrest the onward march of socialism, communism, anti-Semitism and anti-Christian total state control, which is being thrust upon us by

dangerous individuals like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, lilian Omar, Rashida Tlaib and others who want to unite the leftist masses for a total government takeover of our lives

Page 13: -3-lasttrumpgathering.com/issues2/letters/fw(dcipta).pdfI hope you're standing next to us. God bless you and God bless the President. Yours in feedon/ and Liberty, Larry K1Inan, Esq