© 2015 marguerita vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · people like richard branson, steve jobs and bill...

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Page 1: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Page 2: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Knowing you want something different and actually doing something about it is what ultimately separates those who achieve great things, and those who end up looking on enviously at those who do and wishing they could have what they have.

But that’s where you’re different. The fact that you have this guide in your hands, and you’re actually reading it right now, (do you know you’re one of the very few who actually will get that far) means you’re seeking a solution and are taking positive action toward your goals and dreams.

The next step, which even fewer people will take, is completing this workbook and implementing what you fill out in here. That’s the big test. And it’s not a test I’m giving you. It’s one the Universe is giving you.

A very important question for you to answer is, ‘Are you interested? Or are you committed?’ If you’re just interested, you won’t make the sacrifices and decisions necessary to achieve your goals when things get challenging. When you’re committed, you won’t let anything stand in your way and you will do whatever it takes. That’s a rare quality and it’s important for you to know if you have it, or if you’re fooling yourself.

The question is, which person are you? The one who’ll flick through this guide, just like you have countless others, or will you follow through, because that’s where your fortune lies, in the follow through.

Do you have what it takes? Absolutely you do! And in order to prove that to yourself, you must follow this process through, because that’s where the magic lies.

Let me just say, there’s nothing particularly ground breaking in this workbook. I’m just sharing with you what I’ve learnt from countless other highly successful people, and giving you a tool to help you to be all you can be. But it can’t help you if you don’t actually do something with it.

If you want to get radically different results, and achieve your goals and dreams, and more than you ever believed you could, you need to block out some time in your diary now, preferably 60 to 90 minutes, to complete this workbook. Then you need to take action on each of the answers you complete.

It’s not rocket science. It’s just that most people won’t take the simplest of steps toward achieving the life they spend so much time dreaming of.

Who are you? And who are you going to choose to be right now? You can change your life in an instant, just by doing one thing differently to what you have done for most of your life. And then another thing, and another.

So, it’s now over to you. Choose …………………………

Page 3: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Step 1 – Decide Most people don’t really know what they want. It’s vitally important that you decide what success looks like to you. Not what everyone else’s version of success is. What’s your version? Get crystal clear on what success looks and feels like in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your life.

What’s your vision for your life?

What’s your vision for what you want to achieve?

What’s your Mission?

Whom do you want to serve?

What legacy do you want to leave?

What breaks your heart?

If you could choose do so one thing every day for the next 100 years that you would never get tired of doing, what would that be?

Who do you need to become to achieve your goals and dreams?

What does achieving your goals look like?

How does achieving your goals and living your ultimate reality feel?

How is your physical health?

What are your relationships like?

What’s your spiritual connection look and feel like?

Mentally are you calm, focused and positive?

How are you feeling emotionally? The next step is to write down the vision for your ultimate life. Dare to dream big. Don’t settle for what you believe is possible! Suspend disbelief for just a moment and, if you could have any life you want, anything at all, what would that look like? You are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to, so never, ever settle for what you believe is possible based on past results. You deserve so much better than that. Here’s some space for you to write your vision for your future. If you need more space, grab a journal and write in that where you can refer to your vision frequently.

Page 4: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

My Vision For My Life Is:

Page 5: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Step 2 – Make a Plan This is the next most common place where most people’s ability to achieve their goals falls apart. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You don’t have to know exactly what your whole plan of action looks like, but you need to have some idea of the actions you will take along the way to achieve your goals. You can adjust it as you grow into the new person you will become, and learn the skills, information and tools required to achieve your big goal. But start with something. What strategies are you going to use to achieve your goals? What new information do you require? Who do you need to speak with? What new skills do you need to learn? What specific steps do you need to take to get from where you are, to where you want to be. For now, take 10 minutes to write a draft plan to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Even doing this will be a complete game changer for you, as long as you then do each step methodically and in the right order. Make one of the points to put aside a couple of hours in the next week to write out a more detailed plan. Or, if you have the time now, do it now. My plan for getting to where I want to be:

Page 6: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Page 7: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Step 3 – Believe In Yourself Take a moment now and just imagine that you believed a thousand percent that you could achieve that goal you set for yourself and nothing could stand in your way. I mean it. Really think about that. It would be a game changer wouldn’t it? You would be unstoppable.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right”. Henry Ford said that, and he was absolutely correct.

A great deal of success is the product of belief. Belief in yourself. Belief in your goal. Belief in a Universe that is on your side and conspiring in your favour.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid to fail? I bet you’d do a damn sight more than you are right now to achieving your ultimate goals and dreams wouldn’t you?

So, how do you build belief in yourself?

You are a product of your environment and there are several actions you can take to start building a strong sense of belief in your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to, because you truly can.

1. Say positive affirmations about your ability to achieve to yourself every day. Even several times a day if possible.

2. Surround yourself with other people who believe in you and borrow their belief until you build your own. Also stay away from dream stealers and people who undermine your self-esteem and belief.

3. Chunk your long term goals down into smaller, short term goals, even right down to daily goals. Write them down and check them off as you achieve them. And acknowledge and reward yourself when you’ve achieved them. Belief is built through seeing the progress and achievements you’re making and celebrating them.

4. Eradicate negative self chatter. We all do it, because that’s the way we’re conditioned. Just start noticing the negative voice in your head that’s calling you stupid, or telling you why you can’t do it, or criticising yourself in any way. Also stop criticising others, because when you criticise someone else, you’re effectively criticising yourself and lowering your vibration.

5. Use powerful transformation techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique, Peace Process, Release Technique, Instant Miracle Technique or any of the dozens of very effective techniques available that will quickly help you to release any fears and doubts, and rewire your brain to have unshakable belief in your ability to achieve more than you ever dreamed possible.

Page 8: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

6. Spiritual practices to reconnect with your higher self, and who you truly are. You are a magnificent being with greatness within you and once you reconnect with that, you will be truly amazed at what you are capable of achieving.

7. Be kind to yourself. Know that everything is perfect and you are right where you need to be. Whatever you think you should have achieved right now is nonsense. So you haven’t achieved it ‘yet’? So what? You’re still a work in progress, as we all are. Take positive steps forward and know you have the power within you to achieve anything in time.

8. Physical wellness is very important to your own self image and how effectively your brain functions. If you’re feeding your body loads of sugar, your brain is going to effectively be operating on a very low capacity with a lot of fog and lack of clarity. Feed your body whole, fresh foods only and exercise regularly. This will assist greatly in improving your self esteem, self belief as well as your brain function.

9. Read empowering books, listen to empowering audios, immerse yourself in information about your own potential and absorb them into every fibre of your being. There are many books, audios and programs out there that will uplift you and help you believe in yourself.

These are just a few of the things you can do to improve your own self belief and build an unshakable knowing in your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to. Try just 2 or 3 and see how much your attitude and your self-belief improves in a short period of time.

Page 9: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Step 4 – Master Your Mindset I’ve interviewed and spoken with many super high achievers in a variety of industries and career paths. Without exception, all of them say that mindset is crucial to your success.

People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing successful mindsets from the outset. For those of us who didn’t have environments that fostered a winning mindset, we have to work harder at becoming successful.

So what constitutes a mind that has a strong and supportive blueprint for success? Following are 13 attributes of highly successful people for you to embrace:

1. Self-belief – When you believe in your ability to achieve whatever you put your mind to, you are unstoppable. Of course, everyone experiences self-doubt to varying degrees during they’re journey, questioning if they really have what it takes, and maybe even questioning their own sanity. But the successful person has a set point of relatively high belief that they will succeed eventually, or they wouldn’t be able to get through the various challenges faced.

2. Visionary – Every great achievement starts with a great idea. All truly successful people have a vision for their future and the change they want to create in the world. They have clarity and a sense of purpose far beyond the average global citizen. Essential if you want to have a high level of success.

3. Solution focused – The majority of the population are so busy focusing on all the problems they have in their lives, they are not able to find or create solutions that are just a mindset shift away. The ability to face your challenges with a solution focused mindset is a game changer.

4. Dare To Be Different – In order to have a higher level of success than the rest of the population, you must be prepared to do what those people aren’t doing. Did Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Bill Gates do what everyone else did? Of course not! They dared to disrupt their industries and do what no one else had done before. Innovation and creativity is the hallmark of the most successful people in the world. Even to create a small level of success, you must be prepared to move against the tide to a degree and fly in the face of convention. Whilst this will not guarantee you success, and does carry with it a certain level of risk, ultimately the rewards are far higher than following the same old tired convention.

Page 10: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

5. Risk Tolerant – All of life comes with a risk. When you choose to keep doing what you’re doing when you’re not happy with your life, you are pretty much guaranteed to get the same unsatisfactory results. But to choose to go out on a limb and try something different takes a certain level of tolerance for risk. Those who are extremely successful generally admit to a higher than usual tolerance for risk. This doesn’t mean that risk isn’t a calculated one, and they don’t always win, but they do have more wins than losses.

6. Make Decisions Quickly & Change Them Slowly – Highly successful people don’t spend a great deal of time making decisions. When they see an opportunity they feel is right for them, they pounce.

7. Not Take Everything Personally – If you’re going to take everything that ever happens to you as a personal comment on your self worth or ability then you’re going to be an emotional wreck before you get even a quarter of your way into your journey toward realising your vision.

8. Laser Like Focus – To achieve great things, you must develop the ability to focus intently on your goal and the actions you need to take to achieve that goal relentlessly until it is achieved. This does not come naturally for most people, but it is a skill that can be developed with time and perseverance.

9. Opportunistic – Successful people see opportunities where most people just see problems. To be successful, you must solve a particular problem for a large enough percentage of the population for it to be successful. Those who are more successful have a keen radar for spotting opportunities that others miss, and instinctively know which ones to take advantage of.

10. Flexibility and Adaptability – Whilst it’s important to pursue your vision relentlessly and not waver from it’s realisation, it’s also important that you are able to adapt to a changing landscape and changing markets. The world is changing at a very rapid rate, and it’s important to stay relevant that businesses change with it, or even ahead of it, seeing the change coming and positioning themselves to take advantage of the next trends. Also, success is not a static animal and on your path toward it’s realisation, you will need to be flexible and embrace new understandings that will change your approach to realising your vision along the way.

11. Willingness To Learn – To stay on a successful trajectory, you must be hungry to learn and grow, absorb new information, develop new skills, seek out personal and professional development and heed good

Page 11: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

advice. No one who rigidly purports to ‘know it all’ will ever achieve a very high level of success.

12. Embrace Failure – There is not a successful person on the planet who has not experienced far more failure than the average person. The difference is they have learnt that it’s a reasonable, natural and normal part of the journey toward success. It’s nothing to be ashamed of or that is a statement on their own self worth. Failure is simply the process of learning how to succeed. In a world that teaches us that failure is painful and to be avoided at all cost, it is a rare individual who can experience multiple failures and still push forward. It’s that tenacity and resilience that you must be able to develop.

How do you rate yourself on each of these points? If you haven’t fared well, don’t despair, most people don’t. Know that it is not a barrier to entry, you will just have to put the hard yards in to develop these attributes, and you can do this as you take action and fail your way forward.

The most important thing to remember is that you are just as capable of developing all of these skills to a high level as any other person on the planet. Tenacity and resilience is your best friend when you decide you want more out of life and you’re willing to do what it takes to achieve that.

Make sure your environment supports you in your journey. Surround yourself with the right people and saturate yourself in knowledge and information that will be the catalyst for your success and give you the best chance at success in the shortest amount of time.

Page 12: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Step 5 – Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable As you’ve probably already gathered, being successful demands putting yourself out of your comfort zone on a continual basis.

Change happens outside of your comfort zone, and if you are reading this workbook, I think I can safely assume you’re looking for change.

So, it’s time to do things you’ve never done before. Learn information you’ve never learned before. Become a person you’ve never been before.

In order to get different results, you’re going to have to literally become a different person, which means someone who refuses to be limited by their safety paradigms and feel the fear and do it anyway.

Procrastination is enemy number one when it comes to achieving your goals. If you’re procrastinating chances are you are avoiding doing something you don’t feel comfortable doing. Get over it!

Write down 5 actions you can take now that you know will get you significantly closer to your goals that cause you to feel uncomfortable. I can just about guarantee that committing to do those things will have a much more dramatic impact on your progress than what you’ve been doing, or what feels comfortable.

Page 13: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Actions I Can Take Now To Reach My Goals That Put Me Out Of My Comfort Zone: 1.





Page 14: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

Step 6 – Go For It Congratulations for getting through the workbook. You’re journey is just beginning!

The most important part of all of this is to do something. Anything! It doesn’t matter what your position is right now, or how prepared you believe you are, you just need to get your backside into motion and do whatever you can to make progress.

Your ability to take consistent daily action toward your goals is the key to you unleashing your greatness and achieving great things.

There is no goal that is too big for you. Release your F.E.A.R.’s (False Evidence Appearing Real) and just Go For It! There’s nothing worse than dying with regret and not feeling like you gave this life your best shot. And there’s nothing more personally rewarding than overcoming challenges and adversity to accomplish something you never knew you were capable of.

Anything that comes easily, does not come with the immense personal satisfaction and fulfilment of knowing you’ve stretched yourself, gotten out of your comfort zone and done everything you had to in order to achieve your goals.

What you must do now is take this information and be the person who puts one foot in front of the other and moves deliberately and consistently toward their goals every single day.

Look again at your goals and your plan and write down the five things your going to do now to get closer to your goals and do them. Do that every single day and you will achieve your goals. Like I said before, it’s not rocket science, you just have to do the things successful people do. And the one thing they all do without fail is take action.

Write down on the last page what are 5 actions you’re going to take now, today (or tomorrow depending on what hour of the day it is) to get closer to your goals, even if they’re just 5 little steps, and then GO FOR IT!!!

Page 15: © 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff  · 2015. 12. 12. · People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were fortunate enough to grow up in environments conducive to developing

© 2015 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com

5 things I commit to doing right now to get closer to my goals:




