年報 2013-2014 year report 2013-2014


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協青社年報 2013-2014 Youth Outreach Year Report 2013-2014


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    ??????All-Night Outreaching Team???????Number of Youngsters approached 3,077

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    ??????Street Rover Service???????Number of Youngsters approached 1,893

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    ?????Hotline Service??????Hotline Incoming Calls 1,990

    ???The Hang Out

    ?????No. of New Members 2514

    ??????No. of Users 92,337

    ??????No. of Successful Cases 432

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    ??????????(?????????????????)?No. of Street Culture Performance (include Skateboarding, Band Show, Audio and Lighting Production)


    ?????????????????No. of Band Show Services Provided (Audio and Lighting Production)


    ?????????No. of Participants in Band Show 15,750

    ??????? No. of Youth Culture Courses 35

    ??????????No. of Participants of Youth Culture Courses 254

    /?????Crisis Centers for Boys/ Girls

    M ?F ??Total

    ???????No. of Cases admitted 301 300 601

    ??????No. of Terminated Cases 255 318 573

    ??????No. of successful cases 247 308 555

    /?????Transitional Housing for Boys/ Girls

    M ?F ??Total

    ???????No. of Cases admitted 73 18 91

    ??????No. of Terminated Cases 66 47 113

    ??????No. of successful cases 65 46 111

    ????????City Challenge Adventure Professionals

    ????????City Challenge Adventure Professionals 20,918

    ??????No. of successful cases 362

    ?????School of Hip Hop

    ???????No. of participants participating in competition 3,212

    ???????No. of Students of Dancing Programs 3,669

    ??????No. of successful cases 286

    ???????????????No. of cases of Special Education Need students handled by school social workers


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    ???? School of Hip Hop - ????(?????)?Link with Youth Link with Love ?????? Number of Youngsters approached 5,884

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    2012/2014????????(????????)Executive Committee 2012/2014?(In Alphabetical Order of Family Name)

    ?????Hon. President ???????Mr. WAN Man Yee, JP

    ?? President ??????Mrs. LU CHAN Ching Chuen

    ??? Vice President ????Ms. AU King Chi

    ???? Hon. Secretary ????Dr. NEWBERY Peter

    ???? Hon. Treasurer ?????Ms. YAU Amelia

    ????? Hon. Legal Advisor ????Mr. LIANG Vincent


    ??????Mrs. CHOI POON Yeuk Tong Stephanie

    ??????Mrs. IP YIM Yan Mun Bonny

    ?????Ms. KI Leonie

    ?????Fr. LAM Chung Wai Simon

    ????Mr. LI Chi Ho Paul

    ???Mr. SHUM David

    ????Mr. WAN Wai Yung Alex

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    2012/2014??????????(????????)Services Committees 2012/2014 (In Alphabetical Order of Family Name)

    ?????????????Committee on Outreaching Services & Social Enterprise?? Chairperson ?????? Mrs. CHOI POON Yeuk Tong Stephanie?? Member ?????Mr. WAN Wai Yung Alex

    ???????????Committee on Residential & Counseling Services?? Chairperson ?????? Mrs. IP YIM Yan Mun Bonny??? Deputy Chairperson ???Mr. SHUM David?? Member Mr. CORNTHWAITE Peter

    ????? Fr. Simon Lam?????? Mrs. LU CHAN Ching Chuen???? Dr. NEWBERY Peter????Mr. NG Richard????? Judge TONG Louis

    ??????Committee on Fundraising?? Chairperson ?????? Mrs. CHOI POON Yeuk Tong Stephanie?? Member ???? Dr. NEWBERY Peter

    ?????Committee on Publicity?? Chairperson ????? Ms. KI Leonie?? Member ???? Ms. AU King Chi

    ????? Mr. CHAN Andrew????? Ms. CHAN Miranda????? Ms. CHEN Anne????? Mr. CHEUNG Theo?????(2013?????)Mr. LAU Ming Wai (2013 Flag Day Convener)

    ??????Mrs. LU CHAN Ching Chuen

    ????? Ms. MAN Christina????? Mr. YICK Frankie

    ?????????Committee on Youth Development Services?? Chairperson ???? Mr. LI Chi Ho Paul?? Member ????? Mr. FUNG Chiu Chak Victor

    ?????Mr. WAN Wai Yung Alex????????Committee on Administration & Finance

    ?? Chairperson ???? Ms. AU King Chi?? Member ???? Mr. LO Curtis

    ????? Ms. YAU Amelia

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    2013/2014???$100,000???? For their generous donation of $100,000 or above in 2013/14

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    2013/2014???$50,000?$99,999 For their generous donation of $50,000 to $ 99,999 in 2013/14

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    2013/2014???$30,000?$49,999 For their generous donation of $30,000 to $ 49,999 in 2013/14

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    ???Tel ?Fax ?? Email?????Social Service

    ????All-night Outreaching Team

    9088 1023 (24?????)

    2804 8621 [email protected]

    ??The Hang Out

    2622 2890 2804 8620 [email protected]

    ????Crisis Centre for Boys

    2898 2464 2804 8627 [email protected]

    ?????Crisis Centre for Girls

    2898 3299 2804 8629 [email protected]

    ???Transitional Housing for Boys

    2384 3004 2804 8626 [email protected]

    ????Transitional Housing for Girls

    2965 9247 2804 8632 [email protected]

    ??????Concorde Psychological

    2513 0213 2804 8625 [email protected]

    ??????Youth Employment Start-up Program

    2898 2464 2804 8627 [email protected]

    ?????????HK Institute of Youth Studies

    2384 3157 2804 8631 [email protected]

    ?????Social EnterpriseAS?Production 2568 1110 2804 8630 [email protected]???????City Challenge - Adventure Professionals

    2567 9028 2804 8634 [email protected]

    ????School of Hip Hop

    2567 9028 2804 8633 [email protected]

    ?????Fundraising & Publicity????Public Relations

    2513 0026 2804 8623 [email protected]


    2384 3531 2804 8622 [email protected]

    ??Accounts Dept.

    2384 3531 2804 8624 [email protected]

    ??????IT Development Workshop

    2535 5204 2804 8607 [email protected]

    ?????Customer Services

    2622 2890 2804 8636 [email protected]

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