Літопис УПА. 2 Том


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Літопис УПА. 2 Том


  • A }, A}|}t

    Aj D,,t

    Bo i oi:yA a ai

    1943- 1944

    io yA

    Hoao cepi, mo 2

  • Nationa| Aadem of Sienes of UkraineM. S. Hrushevs'kyi |nstitute of Ukrainin Arhography

    and Soure Studies"Litopys UPA" Publishing House

    Min ArhivI Administrtion under the Cabint of inisters of UkraineCentra| State Arhive of Highest Organs of Government

    and Administration of UkraineState Arhive of Rivne obIst

    Litopys UPA

    ffey Sers, Volume 2

    Volyn and Polissia:UPA and its Rear Line

    1943- 1944Douments and Materials

    Kyiv 1999 Toronto

  • Hioa Aaei y pilry ypaio apxeopai a )epeoaa

    i. M. C. pyeoo HAH paBao "io A,'

    ooe pxie ypai p a6iei Miipi pi(pa epa pxi x opai a


    .Qepa apxi Pieoi o6i

    io A

    Hoao epi, Tot,t 2

    BoH i oi:yA a ai

    1943- 1944

    floye i }|aepia

    1999 Topoo

  • i i6pai oye i epia poi ooi pii Ti ai,o i epopii Boi oi ePio ioi oyaii. floe iaoioi pooy .ly paTi epoiui opi 6opo6 ypai oii iii po ap6i, a oi 6i poo iop iopipi po .Qpyoi iooi i.

    This vo|ume ontains douments and mteri|s of th Ukrainian |nsurgent Army (UPA)and its rear line supporting strutures that futioed on the terrilory of VoIy d Polissiaduring German ouption. hese douments shed |ight on |itt|e-know, even in Ukrie,heroi strugg|e of the Ukrinin insurgents and udrground workers gist the oupiersd offer opportuity to rerte the history of Ukrine during Wor|d War ||.

    Peaia paa:. oxAH (iooa), e' HEPA (iooa), . OPK,

    . AE, . |BAHHo, . 0K, P. |P|,. 0|H, t. PiEKl4, |o. t.lJAoBA, ' 0BBA

    ditorilboard:P. soKAN' (o.hairman), Ie. SHTNDRA (o-hairman), H. BoRlAK,



    o. BoBK, l. o


    o. vovK' I. PAVLNKo

    Peop H' epocoTexi peoP M' pumuio

    oope xyo . Cepe*Boopia-ae T. Moceuo0oi

    ditor ff. Cherkos'koTehniI editor M. Prtkino

    Design H. SerheievLy-out designer T, Moslennkovo

    @ o. Bo 1999@ O. Vovk 1999lsN 966-02-0174

  • yopo oo oy Kopoi a rio,oaa oapio, pa Bii }& 360, Topoo, aaa,

    i. Kooaa, aaepa pea Biopii, ao 50-pi ayaHH Biiy'ea Biiy ypai-aai,Bepa aa 36pox C

    a Cox Api

    This vo|ume is funded by the Roya| Canadin Legion,Ontario Command, Filip Konowal,

    Vitoria Cross, Ukrainian Brnh No. 360, Toronto, Canada,on the oasion of its 50.n Annivrsary.

    Mmbrs of the Brnh re Ukrainian-Candins.Veterans of Canadin Armd Foes

    and AIIied Armies

  • 3|o





    oo oaa A (A.ii)1

    pya (ioa opya) u3arpaa"


    pya (ioa opya) "oryo


    pya (ioa opya),,Typi''


    pya (io opya) "T''



  • yPAHA | HlliEo oyAle $41.1944 pp.


    .r.:PoPl!'Pltl -|iii P


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    l::::::::::::::; i:v/iiiiiii22iiiiiiiii! J



    Hiei aiipai30 oyoa3ex

    Hiea io||pal

    Peio ioi A(A-iiv) 1943p.

    opo yaoT paT

    NN PHE




  • Byl

    oy oi ..ioy A'' oaHo oye i aepi paio

    oaoi Apii (A)* a i ai (ioo iipaii) po ooyi ioo-aiipay ii a Boi oii a ai ieo-ao oyaii, a ae oa i i 1943 p. o i1944 p. oi i6pao io, aa' poop)e, ipyii, ia ii aepia, 6ii x ai axoeH ix paapalvl opaHail4 xoi .(pyoi ioo i 6a eoyHo ayoi, a i llJpooo ay. Bipoe paoi epapHo o ip a Hayooo opaBaH o apXeia oi ep)aHx apii. Haio opaaH axoiie6ip.

    e eey aHy oax y oy oi oyi i aepiai,i paie opa a opoH' 6yo apyoaHo y aHHx ypaioiaop. pyo i pai a

    ..ioy A'', 6yoaoaoao aai 1975 p. 3opea o6a i ep, py i11,v1 o|4, o ia 6opo6y A i 0H a Boi oii.

    Coiaeo, o 6iai aex apiax pai oyeii aepiai aHe eHo ipo poyaHlvl HaaoepaHoo iiy a6y A o. Mo oeia, oeo .|953 p' y ypai ..Bii o6aaHa,': ..Mei a' o a6yiiop e ae 6ao aepii }(epe iox a6i ooay, 6o 6ooi a6 A, o o o ppoi 6y ye pyi i ea a6eeeoo ai, ai ii aepia, i, oHeHH'Haa i . . o opaHi eo, o6 e oa o py opoa''l.Tao ai, o peaeH aHH 6e 6i pyHoHpooB)

  • eo. oy6ioai aoy 6ipy oye i aepia ypai iooi po epe6i oi. oaH a ii, opeaa6o i peepeypa' eHx opya yA peepeyp ie6ioo peaeo eM a a 6ipa oyil4eM..Q opiya aa oa opo iop o ioiA i oyH a i epopii 1943 p.

    {oo a opeH ooi api opaiai paixHaioaii Caoii .[epi (0HC.)2, o i opei i6aa y oepei ioi ioi oH a ioi i. epioo BeH 1943 p., aeHo' i eeo' 6o i oa'eaoi,l apoeH iooo yope A oi oioi opaioH. oao - aPol(e paoi ooi Api opeoiooT pyyp i pooo oHC epei Boi oiPa Ha Pa ey 1943 p. 3 oo nPoy y yi o oaHo||I Haaoo Beoo 36opy oyH (||| HB3 OyH) i ep 1943 p.aaao: ..poi oH a lll- opeii }ooy .t943 p. Ba> ypiix opoa' poHyB oHiHi oii o6a ip, o Haa pi o6a iooi ii. ioo Ha epei oi i Boi |,1n1epi 6poi ii paiooaoi Apii (A). oo ay o6opoy ypaoo HaeHoi i Boi a a e6e ypaia ioa a. A, piaa aoo6opo, pa pay ao)l( aaH poo opiiia6yoi paioi Hapooi Apii''3.

    Hei 1943 p. e iya ..6poi ii oH.aepv1'', i,epepi a6 opaiaix 6oio, io ioo-oipie oooo pooy oyH' oa oopa y pyypiioi ipoi. .o x i i ii i oayH,.oaa''4 (Cepi Kau), .,,[y6ooo'' (|a y), ..opo6''5(popi epei), ..pe'' (Ho Cee), ..pya'' (ia ),,.Apa,' (oei p), ..Opoo'' (poa ), ...,opoa'' (epoKyxapy) a ix.

    2 y y opaiai OH i poooin Cea aep npha a l|| opeirooHoo pooy oH oy 1943 p. Ha ||l H.,raoy Beoy 36opi oH pi 1943 p. 6yo oepyro py Hy.

    '0H y ii oo Bex 36opi, oepei a ix oyei 6opo6.1929-1955. i6ioe ypaioo iia. - . ., 1955. - '1. - .97.

    a i notlloltly i eoi poi oao a. aiy aoii ori 1942 p. iro peo oH ..oo', x py oHoo ioioooi Booi Pry UBP) i 30 p a Co,t ao oooo Koapa A..Ta

    yp'' (Po yxel) i 14 o 1947 p. o ..ol(o ox p o

    oioo pyy,' - ,\ ,Q oa A eo .l4 ot 1942 p.5 6po ii i oya ..opo6,' y i oioo iiy A -

    aoi ...Qo 6poi', i 1943 p. aao po oe A.


  • i a ieo-aoi oyaii pai .[pyi ioi iiepopi Boi oi a pi ii ai opeoooyaa ..Paxoiapiay pai''. 3a opaiai oio oyHepopii pai oa iaa ay iio-axii ypii ei(y)6. 3 oi eopai ooeM ppo aao popi 6a polo Bee apaoT i.

    Haei 1943 p. a epopii 33 aoipoao i paoi oH., o oo xo: poi ..oxpi'' (po Ki),oi peepe ,,aa,' (i ye), peepe Cy6 ee(C) ,.epi'' (Ba Maap). p pooi pa iooipeepeyp i oaoa e 1942 p. pao io a6 oi io peepeo opy|.|o ..Coo'' (..Cop',, Baiaxi),.

    ay epopii 33 oxoaa o ii iiaopaiia tt4epe)a oyH (..ia',), o iaa paooy poooi iuac a >li, p'ai o ioi aiipao-eopaixyopeH' a6i: o6ai, opy (oi), apao, pao, ipo,yi. Hao aHo}o ii 6ya a8 oH, o o xooi eiox o eiox ei ei i aai opaiaii aei ioa i aa oH. Ca ao ia ooy eia6o ai ii. Ha i a6x epei iio ii epyiei poo oyH. .[o oo a' pi epii-poii,xo peepeyp (..peepa''): yio-poaaa' opa-iaia, C, ioa, iHoa, aa, '3y, oopa. ooipepea iex pooi peepeyp a oi a _ ipe-epeyp. Ha oay ope ie opaiai a 6pao apieH pooi epio o{olo&l ia Hryp oorao. eiOyH a oay 1943 p. 33 Taoa eia ooi. epe6io oi ii a opaiii, a oo6o ii pxi(ai), HaHo 6i.

    oii .Qpyoi iooi i iyo y a eooiy, oiao-oiy a oy yai a Boi oii. opa aoiHi a poax pe o 6ie 6opy xapo oeia Haoo oy ooi a po6o o Paxy. a po

    6 Kpi Booi i PioT o6are, o 3 o iei pao epeeoi |oio o6ae iopyi. B 1943 poi 6y oyei opa i axi aKo o6ai.

    7 13 p 1943 poy yi ie iola ipoio 6i .epoioo paoy Booi o6ai op...Co', (.,oap,', Ba iaxi) y po op. io Ko (..py'') xop. Ceeo C (,.ipo''), i, o.o, 6 ipo6ia oo 6y.

    o eoi i iol | a oa oKoo i a op o3.5 ooi.


  • oy Mieoo ee op 3 iitto}o i oey apaboloii paHoo' ooo a ypaioo aoioo pyxia opoi api ii oyioi aiipaii ayeHieoi ypaioi ooio noiiig. , oii oaa ioi yai apaHx ix po ioo ypaoo Hat|H'epe o H;Ula pepei.

    ao aopa oo-oia yai o iiio-aoy oyH ..xoi i,' y 6epei-ii 1943 p. poooaoiie pepei ypaioi ooioi oiii a o,ai oai oii. 3aa ii oia, i a 6y, o6pa-xoyaa 4-5 . ooi. aao iai 6o ao yeo oooop|oaoi oHC.[ ooi apii. .,(e 6, - a oa'tapH a6y A o. M. Oeia, - ooi ap -aoeHx e poopa 6ix iii yA"10. Oyaiaiea iipai y ioi a ixi ypa oia a6paaa y6y oi, x ipay oaa opoya opooiaiii ypax i. l-te 6aao ot.4y pHo o oaoooo-ypa[oo oiy.

    o xoi .,B i,', a ooi o poy)eoi iioi opa-iaioi epei, poopyo ope ioo-ap3a pyrypoyH. y ex aa6x' pix ieox Boi oiyopa 6oi, aa' py, oi a aoH. l-|e aao iopiaii appe ix i eepi. yya o6aaioi 6op, opaioy ac ooapi pyyp' Pooa p-i io i.

    ii-pai .1943 p., i p6pa a paia oTaaApi, 6poi ii oyH oa oiio T[ a. l-{a ooipaooo iooo a6y a 33 opy ooa Koaa A( yA). Bioi a6, i i p o6ax a opy)H PooaxoyH, epeoplo a epopiai a6 A. Bpo)yio y A. B pai .1943 p', xo iy i eoio ..paii!'', iy pae oie iopee oooiKoa A i paooo pooy OyH a 33. ooa eaio - ,.pai a s|,||Aae a 6o6y a pay Caoiyo6opy .[epay (y ... paiy oay Api (yA)". yioi Tao) pileo 6eopoi aeH o ix ypaixaoix pyxi. (.Q. o. } 1 ao y6iai.)

    Poa ii paoi oaoi Api[ a 33 a ix peioax ypaix eb' i oxappya ii.

    9 aoy oi Haa 8a ya.H ix ioo.oiixnipoii, 6ii oo6ooo y x o ypii.

    10 io A. - Topoo, 1989. - . 1. - . 26.


  • 6a oHa Pao ot'|o? eHx ixoi e-pia oyH i yA o aiaii 6poo 6opo6 (..apa'')11,..apaa y oeoeoo apoy paa ooolo ai, a6oo '.eoi i'' apooo oa' o o y6po apiop pa|.|y api''t2. 3io i aeHHM' aPaaii (..apaa'') oa poBa aa ioi apii y opoa a6o ii oai

    ..a pii ei'': ..ap[]

    y Ma a o6o ee' a6o api,'1. Bxo x oo)eH'ii A, aeo, i a>a oaolo, 6o i oa,eo ie a io opo apaHx i, oioa o6yaa ei ypa eM' }laa o6oaoxoe aeeH' a e pypy api' a aM HaaaaepeopT pepy ioy Tpyypy.

    pa 1943 p. ioo po ii ep' opio Bexoax opya, o o6'ya oa 'o ooi. Cepex - ..pa pya A'' i oaya ,..0.y6ooo'' (ia ),paa oaa pya ..oepo'' i oayaHtvt ..Pyoo'' (piCeay) i ai ..ooa', i oayaHH ..pi Py6aea,'(Cea oa)' i o i a oii: iAoio a Kooii,Koei a oii. Mei a ei opyaH oaaao) a Boi. Ha Boop-Boi- opoii i iH


    i oyBaHM ..Coea'' (oppi Ao). Ha ii Pieoio6i a peeei op ao i oayaHHM


    (.(po aa), ..opoop'' (e a), ..Kpya'' (ia )

    a ix oapi. Haai opya a ooo opaioax ypyi ooi ia py A a iox opy (Bo) ai.

    Bi aoo oay iya 6poi ii A pooa ayoHy ii: po Haa a eooii, paopi,aiipai ioi o6' oyaioi aiipaii' Ha opo axoa ii iea (oo o oii paoi ep):Boope, Cea, Bo, fly6po, i, .Qepae, oa,l-{ya, opoxi. Ta, iee oot,4 ..ooHa'' i ieoiiipaii io Ko epe6yao i aiipaie A a aio oaa .1943 p. B oi i aio, opaioai 2 pa 1943 p.Ha xy Koe- epe iio oi i oaya .,y6i''(i 3iy), ay CA (Sturmteilung)la Hie eH. Biop

    ll ixo epia OyH i yA o aiaii 6pooT 6opo6 io6paei ipyix: ,.apaa. llo e paa?,'(APo, . P-30, o. 2, p. 39, ap. lt16);

    ,.apa. (iopi, a, oo)" (APo, . P_30, o. 2' p.39, ap. 8J0).12 APo, . P-30, o. 2, p' 39, p. 11.t3 T ao, p. 9.la p. i.: rypoi ao.


  • e. Hai Hao tlov1v1c 6poi y paM aot',l apaH opyaH Hlvl.

    opaiai 6pox iii 0H a ioi peepe,poi pix a6i epeooi epei, a ao) oi oaHppio ooioi oiii. poe 6pa apJx api oyaaya o iooi po6o apUJH api HP a epoo api, iepe6ya Boi oii, ai o oai 6y eypaioooxoeHH. .0. oy aHx iox api pii e1943 p' p 6ioi py a aoi A 6yo opaioao tlJo -iapi o. 2l i a i pooa p ooopei..epi pyi A''' 30 pa iapa oa i. oooooaaHa Coa ep15 oaa i p aoi

    ..Ci', a Boop-Boi. o iei x iae oi oaapi opa epi i iapi p. [i p ipay 6yoipeo o ix ooopa iii ioi ipyop(i) oap iiii.

    Biy 1943 p' e 6ie peioi Boi i oi 6yo oxoeoioo-aiipao ii oHC.[ A. Hii, ..a-].4ypya'' y iax i ex eax' pya ii ieoie e i ypooi x iii aapepiT a ooioioo oii16. oa a ai ol.tlpeHH ioi yA i oyH.,pi iex i, pea)o a oii, a ao) ei a iipai ei oi apai opa ixi opoMaeM o ypaix aoix ie. Cepe pax op-MyaH - Piee apaHe 'Ha (oap- Boop e-M), epiie 'a (oei eopo), Cye 'a(Cip oa), ope 'eaHH (0eap Ca6ypo). Cepeox opya - ipoi ApiT Kpaoo (AK) a aioaiii, o oy o 3'a pax apai. . Apooa,la >Ba a aHa ..ppooa 6opo6a'' ie,paM a o 6po altlv1'

    opeo Ha aoi 6opo6i A, i aa,o oH 6ya oe piyoi a oi (6aao 6oeHM-oaHaM iooo epioy) epopi oaxi. o epy o eip yp", iea oy A,paoayH Bia ooo, a ii opaiai H N4eHLtJ piyepaHy i i 6epeH Boo oHpo Ha 3, opaie o o a ooi ep)a. 3a oooo aooi

    15 i 1943 p. op poi ..iaa',.16 uno'y oei a yaaHolo ix ioo-oii ipoii,

    6ii oo6ooo y x ao o.


  • ep oH ao aya 6ii ooo Haee' Hieia pi H ao &l ypaTo-oe pooH.ao apyal4 oo poo aao ypaie a oeHaHH. H }
  • Peoioi Apii (HPA)17 Tapaa y6-opo. ia aoi po6poex py oya o iii A.

    .o i ia 1943 p. ai opaiai epio opeA, pa i pao e. Api poei pory a6paaex ao opaioax p - oi, yi, ao, py. Pooao - epBoop epio ioi A, ey aaoi oyoa a y ioo-aiipai ioi Bi 3aopoooai aioaHo-oo i epH XV|l ' paii (ooiipa ypi oo).

    Hpii ia a epopi 33 0y i yA i aooipooipaii epexo a o a, y o vepy oia po i ai. B aoy ay po - e ii A, a ai- - ioo-aiipaH ii OyH. Kpyaa poo iai a epopiI 33 ioa aa - ooa oaa A aoi oo oapo A ,.ol.'t Caypo'' (.[po i)..o ay yA pao 3 ooooaylot.| xo: a - eiooo a6y (B) o. .,ouapeo'' (eoi Cry, oHo]aHo6y ayor 3 iox pa), epi oioo iiy - IJJeoioo a6y () ..Poa a|4la,'(i ye), oea ai..op6eo'' (Poa BooH, 6y ayott,l o aiipao-opaiaii po6oi). Haay a6y A ia io a6, a iii: opaiio-oepaoo, poiyaool'y, oaa, ioo, eo-aiapoo a i. epiyoioo iiy (a6y) iopoya ao) oo-oiiii py A e6eopeHo (aoo) yio-oiui pe.peryP ai. oeary ai ia peperyp: opaiaio.o6iiaia, yio-oia, C, ooapa, 3,y, paooepooo pea () a Hooope ia aiipai.

    epopi 33 (epaa opy - o) oia a opoepao-epopiai ypyoa - ioi opy (Bo}, 6ya ioii py A a oi oepaHo-epopiaoaHya. Bioi opy a i a - ioi apo(BH), ioi pao (BP), ioi nipao (B), yi a ai. iioo-aiipai yo, opei a ooi paie ioiopaiaioi epei oH, a ai A.

    po ioo-aiipa ypi x ao i A a33 oe-My 1943 p. ai iooi:

    - ioa opya (pya) A ..3apaa'', ..0t,' oxoaa iiyooy Pieoi o6ai iei pao oioi o6ai iopyi.

    t7 i 1943 p. A ..oi Ciu'' 6ya epeeoaa a paiy HayPeoiy Api (HPA).


  • .4o y opy xo ioi pao: ooi|-,,!ola,',Cpe - ..io i'', Co - ,.-[ao'', i - ..ooo'';

    - ioa opya (pya) A ..oy,18, ,,02'', ,.002'' oxoaaiey ooy Pieoi o6ai i peeey. Bioi pao:ope - "2/ 2", ..oio''; Pi -' 3 / ,, ..oepo''; 3o6yi-l^i - " 4/ 4'',,, , i fly6i _ " 6 / 6",,, 6" | peee -,,7 /7,, I

    - io opya (pya) A ..Typi'', ..03'' o6iaa epopiBooi o6ai ,ie epeeoi o6ai iopyi. Bioiapao19: y - ..op'', Boop.Bo - ..Ce'',oe -,,oa'', epee.

    - ioa opy (pya) A .,''20, .,04'' oxoaaopy o6a i axii pao ioi o6ai. Bioi apao(opy): op, epi, Apyi, Hoopa-Bo, opy, ai a i.

    oepao-epopiax oayaHx epio iooopyo i ipyo A re>r

  • - py (Bo) ..T}1|,|K', - oMP ..Bepa'' (eip Bopo6e).oepao-epopiai oayaH py (B0) A' a oM

    Bo ..TH',, oxoa oi oi o i ioo-aiipo ii 6iib Haeex yi Boi oi.oa epoai ii A iei epopiai opya(6o, ii aoo6opo), oey o oryna (ii,aepiao a6eeei) oi ypoa' e o y6ei. o HeoopHoi i pyi ooi 1943 p.opa i TMaoo i oo o1t4 y iox ieox:peeeua (Aoiea pey6i), Kopea (iiu a),Boop-BoHa (..Ci''), oea (Cyi i)' oi(oia py6ia), Ceaa-.[epaHHa. 3 ii poepao-epopiai oay' a opea a6 A, 6ypyxM' oo poop)e i eo ipo aoipo.oay py pe6yao e6ioo o xyopax i eax axioe.

    oio.poaaa po6oa a oxoe oa iii pyxo epopix poaa, opi i ao6i, xoope epiox i eepiox a' i pyya y iixpyapx paooo pooy a iox opy' epy aHoio-poaaAoi iepayp yio-oii pepeai a ylo xoi A. , ioya epix ab6yo opaioao ai poaai oePe (paia peoaCy6 - y A), p'ai opiaio o ii pypH(exix iii).

    Bioy py A 33 y 1943 p. peeo eioepio aHH: rypa ..,{o 6poi'' K yA (pyya aepopii Bo ..3apaa''), yop }ryPHa,.pai epe',(epopi 3o6yioo BH y Bo ..ory',), ea ..H po', (epopiooo BH y Bo ..ypi',), ea ..iopaop', (popi Boop.Booo BH y Bo ..ypi'').

    poio y x x A 6ya ie o6y pioiCoioi Co6opoi ,[epa 6opo6i

    ..iepiai p[,l''aoi Hi a Paoo Coy. op noio-po aepiaa, i o&l ie, xo iopii aioo-oo 6opo6 ypioo apoy' y peiA iya aepia iooexioo, oio'iopaiooapaepy' a ao) ipi a yopi op.

    Beoo aeH ioi ai A a6pa ooapppeypa. epeGya aoy a6eeei, a p6ipay, 6ie 10 . e ope6yao opiaii oyooooapoo aapary aoii a oaaH. Ti aooi ooai


  • pyyp 6y opei y ix, pi Bo ..loHo, iox opyax.oa opya pe epoyi ooapoo aapay aiA opi i i o6ax opyaa oya Bo..3paa'' a,.oy''.

    epio aHaex e py A ae oo)l(o oopBaoa oooi oa A. Pi i A a epio pyoaa ol4y, o A, 6yy eeo (eia eiooi), oHyaa po apiaoo epy 33. Boa aaaa

    axoy oooy opaiai ..apa'', 3iaa aaeepio, aHyaa ei ioi oepaii. e ieeiioe 6o i pii ai A. 3opea' ooapii A oopy ope6 A ai, Haxo i popo6eooii ooi iox opy a ia o6i poyiii . a o' oepao-epopii oaya py iBo e a o6i ae e aP oro, aiipaoi ooapoiioi A i a Boi oii.

    fliui a epopi iox opy py A oi oi,ypei a ao. Co2 ii 100-.l50 ooi 6ya aoioo-oepaHo oHe. 2-3 oi o6'y ypi a6oai. pyi ..Typi'' o 6y ao 6ii aa 2_3ypei. Coi, ypei ao 6 np,ai epopiaHo o ieoe

    oo opaiy 6aya. Bo aHoa pya ..TH'',

    a 6ioi aaa epeax i ix py iii a N4aaoi 6a a epopix iox opy

    ..3apaa', i ,.oyH',.

    Ha oay oei pyypa i oa a py A a ixiipoii a 33 6 a,

    pya ,.01'', ..3apaa'' _ B op. .,Caa'' (..Maapeo''24, Moa), .,Oa'', oixoH

    ..3MH'' (Cea oe).

    3ao py:i. orya - oap ..pea'' (Ho Cee),i. oa - ol{ap ,,aya'' (Aa Py),i. ooioo - op ..aaa'' (Ma Cy6a)'i. ooa - oap .,op'' (Map Me),i. Xeoo - o]'4ap ..opo'' (Ba pe),i. ,[opoea - oap .,Bo'' (Ba eo).

    pya ..02'', .,oy'' - B ..ep'' (.{po Ka), oio..HeTop'' (Boop po).

    2 o.' oia ei ioo.ai oi - poi a lo. Tp poiao ory, p o i pi ioi 6o x yeei - otl.

    2a 3 epe epe 1943 p. o6o' ea 6y rpy ..3ap'' oys..open (po oPie).


  • Kypei py25:.[y6e - op ..po'' (pi yo);pee - oap ..py'' (ia K).

    ii iii py ia ope 026 i epiooapi ..Maa,' (M Cop), ..Heya'' (Cepi oi),..Ca6a'' (oa Kaa), ..opia'' (.[po ai), ..opa,', ..Tooi''

    i'pa ,.03,', ..Typi,' - BtlJ ..K[4'' (op ep), oixo


    ao py:..01,', ..ooHa,' - oaHp,,pi Py6ao'' (Cea Koarr),B o. ..p,', oixoH ..oa'';..02',, ..opo'' - oMaHp ,,P,' (pi Ceay), B..Boa,,2i (oei y), oixoH ..yp'';

    "03,, ..003", i. i.oya (..Ci',1 _ oaHp ..iap,', B ..i''

    (oppi Ao), oixo ..poa'' (Biop 6a).pya ..04'', ..HH'' - B ..Oepeeo,, (epo oa),

    ..op'' (,,6cp',, epo Ceaeo). .Qo py 6yo aoopieo eia oeH ix p28.

    Bi 15 epH 1943 p. ooa Koaa A, poooy e6e,.ao ooo-yepHo ao'' a iex oaoloapi i pax i iex opai a obx ooii xpai, oaa pay ai ypax e a e.fl poe oiy ei a HaaH i ea 6yo o6pao ioii. Pooi ix e]",r y ai pooa y epei2g.H eppopix, oaoax A, ypeyaH pot",taoo )ope poope 1 epe aoBaa iipaaa' oa oia a 6opi i a o o6ai opaH - p ypa. Boo aae aBaH ioi ooi, a o M;lip o 30 epe 1943 p' fl o6opo ioo Hepe opo, pa6i HaaaM ooa oaa APoaa opiai aoo6opo i, pya poe i ope.

    25 oi 1943 p. pooaa opiai o6yioo ype i o,,p6e'' (..e',, Moa Cy).

    26 oa ex a a pei opei oi py ..oy'' aooo6'ya ypei.

    ., opioo pyoi oo epe 1943 p. o6i oayaH aoy ..Oepo,',

    eo iooo a6y aoy ae .,eoi opo'' (oa ao}.28 3opea, epea py ..ypi'' o ..ea'' (i ) oyaa eP}ll.

    oi .|943 p. p o opi o6i.29 3 .Qepoy apii Pieoi o6ai (.APo) oyeHa o

    o ep po Ha eio a ie e Pieoi o6ai ei yal.


  • 3 i eo iooo6o'aHa ]vloo poxoa ioi a ii aa (o).

    epopeM oax iii a io opiyopoBya poe opaiaii apii. 3 i eo aao }& 8 i27 cep 1943 p. o ioi ryi A, i o, a pi,a a oaaM.

    epei 1943 p. A ai pix oiix ipoii ypyax i aoax, e oa 6yh iy' po)yaa ioa ooB:laapepi (B)). .[ pie piax pa y aii opai-oy:r ai oiii. 3 eo 6opy i ooeH eopaia y oi pyi 3;l "popii ii,'.

    Ha oay oei .|943 p. y ipoiax A 6yo opeo opeiii ( aa6ax poi' uo, oe) io. 3opea, p pyi ..e''

    (..oy'') y epei oaa i o aaepil i oaya o.....aa'' (oeap.{aeo). ea yaa A pia opaiaiipaio,y, opoya 'y iia a oii. 3eo poaao, rleyapo, eoi a apxioi pai A opiy paia peoa Cy6a.

    i po[4 eoi A oil op ope6a iooiax apx api. 3 i eo i a apiy oe 1943 p. opaioao opai api o. Bi y 6ax ioi oi i epio op' ..op,, (epo) oaa apa (aa) oa ...Qp''. oaepe6yaa p ooHoy a6i A, oya o|.|oao yiiypioo i oo oopo. 3oi ie oxopo oepooop ii py ..3apa''. 3 oll4 epioi iex ai,oa pao i a6o 6aya.a iox xyopax Ceaoopaoy. Cap a6y pao aaa ;l y oi piii. o poeei opoxioo ypy aPoo oya poy ii y pyi 1943 p. oa epa o po6oy.

    peo epo llloo aoaoao oi Pyy aP-y (y) oy ..ioi op'' i epio op. "|1o''(

  • epe 6pa aiiox iapHx api y pii epiopyoi oo}| 1943 p. p ix (pi py ..T',) pyax Ai iapi o. 3opea, oe i o i aa.,Xop'' i ..Beyi'' yioya p|1 pyi ..3apaa''. pyni ..oy''ioo po ii o

    ..iHi',. pyi .,Typi,, 1llo 6 pix pox aolx py.

    pi ax e i, p pyax a Bo ia l( aepx'opx, ipx, paioexiux, eeoitlx' ooapx i ixoi a ypi a6eeeH aPa ioix y6 yA ai.

    Cepe i A oeH-y 1943 p. o)a Haa ai 6iioi:

    _ epeoi 6oi 'a e' oe py ..Typi'' i

    ol{ylYl oaHpa ..Boaa,, (0ei y) ieoii ipoia, o i6yc 14 epe 6i c, Poiypioo paoy;

    - epoiu o6opoa 11 epe 1943 p. o oapa ..epe''(Api ap), ooeoi 3aopioy oapi (opoxipao)' epe aaa ao epeDax ieoi ooio,appii iai;

    - pe i 6o ox ypei py ..TH'' ie a paH-]vt apa ipoia )t(o}li 1943 p. axoi o-],rp;

    - ay y oi aoi py .,Typi'' i ..3apaa'' 6a 'Hapbx apai y 6ioy a Mopraoy paoax oi;

    - e ay y ep Hx oaa 'a uJe oei au ol4aya oapa .,ay'' a 6a ipoii A Pa apai a xoi ioo paoy (y a. Moya);

    - pe oi.pyi ..a xi'', y a,e.oiy iBiy, iii ooopioaoi paax py ..oy', py..Koa,,.

    |J.|e epi 1943 p. ai a epopii opeoo aoloHieo ..epaoo y6epop '' i6y |IIH Be 36ip oH (||| HB3 oH). opiai 6yo poxlti ioo-oii pie a ieooii a oaoi 6oi6opo6 oyaa. Boe pi 6opy poaya )a 33. paax pie l|| HB oH i6ya 20-21 oaa ao6yii oepi ooex apoi, oaHo oi, oepy' a 6 ay o aioao-oHoi 6opo6 yA i oyHii apo CPCP.

    Hapii 1943 p. poi oH a oi ooo}o 6po pooy..ypol'.l'' (Poa yxe) yxa pie po peopya Pyyp


  • A a pop ii ioi. Hai A a 33 a y iopeperypax y ix peioax pai 6poi ii peopaioao p paoi oayttil: A-3xi, A-ii, A.ie. Bioa6 iooi peepeHyp oooo pooy OyH a ooBio a6o A (BllJ A).

    poei popya iooi ioi oH ii paioiHaioaoi Caoo6opo (HC), i 1943 p. i ai aoi pao io a6o oH 3aioypaix ex(3), opa Hay A-3xi (yA). ipoi A, i i 33, ia Hay A-ii. Ha ooi ioi ai py


    py ,.oa,, a paooo Pooy 0H ieo-xix ypixee (y) opaioao oaHyaHH A-i, pya .,HH''y oPai a epHax op i Ki poaaHiiepaypi ieiya A.Cxi, oHa oo paooooaHya e aa.

    iyoy ii OyH i A 1943 p' a 33, i iaoie PoaHH opii 3 o{ao poy eHoi o6ox opaiai.ii ei oH, H Paxoylo lHaa oyH0 i ail, aoepei ipaxya a/l 10J5 . ei' oo oi eoiA a epopii 33, o oa Hapii 1943 p. aHoa 6o 8-10 . ooi. 3opea, pya ..Typi,, ||| aooi o6iiai aepeai o py

    ,,3apaa', aoy ..ooa,'32 aiyaa 1 i1944 p' 3 048 ooi. 3 ypaxya eo6iioa a ei pixepeHox 6x pai i, ei A ao a p6o15-20 . ooi33. Cepe i, i yo .r},ly.r iie6ie A, 6ya eaa 6poT, 6opai a oeoooaHoo ay.

    3 eo yyeH pH eai 6poi i ayiii oaoopyxy A i aii 6o opaioao eei aepi o Pory'epeo6aa i ooeH 6po a 6opai. po6oi ei4pie o6po P ax aepe oaa a6paeoo, oepoo apaepy. a, opea, oi aepea iei Piei 6yo aaoeo ooe aa.rHxpHa e ..oap''.

    0 ei lo 6aox ax epey,la ii ei OH iexopriai.

    31 ei ai oH 6aopaoo epyaa ii opriox i.32 ai ..Koon a epopi oo 6aya - y BH ..op'' np6o

    oi ,1943 p. 6yo ePeao o ay py (B0) ..3apa''.

    Ha olay 1944 p. iopa ay ..ai ai'.

    3 Coilo.//. pai oa Api. 1943.1949. - H.op: poo, 1994. -c. 4t.


  • epe iyi eoi aepiao-eioi 6 oayA ao a6el4}4 aI4t1l4 lxoeM y ypoi ao6po. a, p pyax, aolx i ypex opaioy opeiii apepii. ope 6aape apepii i oayaH]'4 ..epe',

    ia ai py ..ory''. 3a e ioo A opo-

    ya a' ope 3o:l i. l. orya (.,Ci',) a i. . Koo-.r. ].li a ePexoy epopi 3 ieo-paoo porypiopie Haxoe o A pieo 6po, ayiii, a oeyi aoo o6po aHo poo.

    3 a6 o epei 33 ieo-paHoo poy ai yA pooa aHy iooy o pxoy ..oyaioi',, aioipoi a 3 i apao.pepBo eo (opa HB-H), o paoi oaoi 6opo6 po x. 3aoo iaxoyBa (aayac| ex xoax ai aa xapi,o6ypya a o6po. Ao 6yya a o;l xoa(pi, 6yep) ai a A. orya pioo poy epiipy. Bea Haoa apaHa poaaa.

    i oo-oioi yai, a epopii 3 a i xoi.Qpyoi ioo i (ioi opa Hie, xi lii ioo), pe o oi A a i peaa pixopai y ai ieoi apii, aiipaii oii. Ha6ipoM i peya 6 oHa (epeoop) 3 oayaHMyopx iox aH' o i a.Boi oii. 3opea 6yooHyo yoy po eaa a ioy yopoi oPoH poaHai pii epe ioo Haee. x aa6ia6pa oa a epexi a 6i A pioioa iii (y6i,ap, aep6aai, pyi a i.) i ay iex ioo-oiix ipoii. 3aao, opa ypao-iex oai(epoopi), i ayD' o ae)oi i ayoi yaiyo oHayH 6y pioai i e6ioo ep.yA ai a6ie aeya a oopoi pooee' iei y'HeHH epii ypaioo aioao-ooo yxy a opai 6poi 6opai. oaoy ya oa ie epia oaHAyaH A 6yo 6oeo.

    ii-oy 1944 p. i paHoo ayy 6iy yepopi Boi oi 6yo ao pb ia. 11 i 27i o y ia Cap a opi, 2 oo - o6ai epPie i y. Hei ieo.pa po 3y a iipeee - oai - oe - ai-Kap. ii iiiA-ii, i ooopaioaol A-ie, epa a6o oaa ipai epopii. Pooa o, ip epio ixoiioi.


  • 3i6pai pyolvly oi ooi epii ..ioy A'' oye iaepia - e io' aal poopeH, ipyi, i, oia po ioy aiipaHy ii A a ai aBoi oii 1943 - a oay 1944 pp.

    3a pyypolo aH oi a iopo-apxeopai ry,ae oye i aepia aoai o aio oo'o oooex y oyeax i aepiaax ab' o ipi,o ooe' ie o ei. ,Qoye i aepia, o y6iy,aa ' eax poii. oe poii ioi eipyypi A: ooa oaa A, pya (Bo) ..apaa,', pya (Bo)..oy'', pya (Bo) ..Typi,', pya (Bo) .,TTHH''. eai poi,a Ho poiy ..oo oaa yA (yA-ii)'', a yioioi peaeM oyea i aepiaa ia i-poii: oye oaya rPv1; oyN4e (i aepiaa) iiia ipoii; i iii a ipoii; oyt.4H (i apia) aiiox opy; i epii ani io opy.

    p iooi 6ipa oyei i aepii opaHo ol-[epoo epaBoo apxiy opai pi (ABo) .!.paoo apxiy Pieoi o6ai (APo). opei oye iaepia oxo l-tepaoo ep)aoo apxiy poaxo6'a pai (Ao) a apxiy C6 ee pai i.oe oy}le ieioao35 ioi o, oo' paoi pye.

    flei oyei, x 6pay' epepyoo epoo oy..ioy A,', epeaoo ai y .|989 poi. o ABopi i .APo e a6i oyMe.lHlt,l i6pa oyeii aepiai o i yA epioy .pyo iooi i epopii Boia oi. oo a i6opy oyei o 6ipa - e a6ioe peae ex opax a ix oyi iaepii epix opai A a ai. Boa oex aayrpyHao elvl o o6 a e aoo aiopeHx iopai aoi e.

    p ea poi - oye i aepia ooo.i oayA (yA-ii) a Ti iii ie pii i epia ioa ai a Boi oii.

    3a opei api o pi poix 3 oyea py (BO) ,.3apa',

    ..ory', 'Typi' a ..Tn.35 Bo ao a i 9 epe .t943 p. oea i Bo ..ory"

    ,.,' (oye Ns 192), oxo flepoo apxiy C6 ee pai ias i oep apya.


  • Poi ipa ioa K A i 20 pa 1943 p. i ao..pii!'',

    o aa o 6opo6 po aap6i pi pao A. ioi aioao pae iopee i paooopooy oyH a 33. Poope i 15 ep a iooaHPa A ..Ka Caypa', (flpo i) yA,Poool e ,ao ooo

  • oyp'' iiy oaHp A-ii. Meoa ioi ip epio peo oai peae aa - t'lg 29i 26 iu 1944 p.

    .pyry y epoo eaHoo poiy ao oye iaepia oioo iiy A a ai.

    Cepe Hx - ipyii: po ii poaai-xoi(t{g 1, 10 pt| 1943 p.), Po pa a a po6oi yia(t{9 2, 1943 p.), po irya yi aoy (l 3, 1943 p.), Poopaiai a po6oy C (epee), po ieooie a oiexoa e (18 o)..[ai peaeo poop)e }& 1 i27 os io epia oioo iiy "aH|'' (i ye)y pai pooiy a aH iepayp.

    Ha epe y6iaii oyei ii a peaeHo:popay poee oHx ryipo, ooie i ei A (oe),ipyi xoi y iia A (1943 p.)' poaaiai po po6o epe aee (1943 p.).

    Tpe ay eoo poiy a oye oepy y paBaxix aioaoe. [e - ipyi o opaiai, opa aiopya po aioai ii p A a iei apii (2pyH 19a3 p.).

    .Qai y6iylob oyte i epia yA. Cepe x -oioe Po py peoioo p6yay A (25 epe1943 p.) ipyi epia A, ai, C po eey ioiA i (N 1, 15 i 1944 p.).

    aa oyei i aepiai ooapoo iiy A ai o6o ipyii o opaiaii oopoo aaPay (pae) apo o6o' ieai iii (15 19a3 p.). opaii i- ipao-6yxePx ypi p ooap{i peperypi A opyaPeeH poe i 20 epe 1943 p. Hayi oyeH oao3a aopo ooapoo peepea A ..3y6aoo'' (Ai Mopo).Cepe x - pa . 01 paii ai po po6ory iooiopaiaii x (20 o) ipyi ooapa Bo 00237 ypai ia xi6a (oa-pye 1943 p.). Haaie pyyipyii po epexoyH 6ilot

  • Bi poolae aa a ipyi oaya oeipy "3apaa,' - 1-i py A, epio i 15 ep o 6 epe1943 p.' i opy ope a iib ox iii.peae ai aa i 2 pa 1943 p. peepea ooapooiiy l-i py ..o'' oyr PoeeH ieapaii aa pi. oa pyy oytJ'ei oo ipoiy ab a3oapa 6oooi py .,opea'' (po Kopie) i 5 o 17epe 1943 p., i iopya ii po a a ii py.

    pyoy ipoii i oye oaya Py"3apaa''. Cepe epx a i 15 ep o 24 oa 1943 p.oaPa py ...Qy6ooo'' (i y)' ix pooye eiaaai ea iooo a6y ..opeHa'' (flpo opie) a pioi 5 o o oa 1943 p. ope oe oyei yaiapx, ix a ix paax ao a i 20 epo 17 oa 1943 p' oioo a6y py ..oa''. iiipoiy Haeeo aa i 10 py 1943 p. epia iiy iooipoi flC ..Heo'' po poiyby ii i ii.

    Hary a ii pepeery i iii a ipoiipy. flo oo yi i (5-27 ) olaHpa ...Qy6ooo'' (iay) po ii 1-i py A pai-i 1943 p. a i(i 30 pH i 29 i) epii ii poiyoo iiy - ..opeH''(.Qpo opie) a aiapoo iiy - ..e,' (.po Cao).3epyr ipoi i oapa iiy (oi) ..[aHa'' (ao

    [o) a epio i 1 o 26 ep 1943 p. opeoy ipoii pyoao oye i aepia i

    ioo opy ..3apaa''. Bi pooae Holo aai aepio i 11 epe o 25 py 1943 p. oeaa ai


    (pi P6a). flei aa oeaa oya oaPoope A po ie e ee' [i ei peopyp oyt{ea eeoi pepeyp yA (1943 p.) aeHHy ei. Haryo pyolo oyei oo ipoi e a 26 o 28 oaa 1943 p. epi oio peepeyp ai..Aoba'' oio-xoy a iiFlo-ooapy iiy aii. o oyeolt1 (aao i 3 epe) peeo iiopaiaio-o6iiaioo peepea ..Tapaa''. ope oe yipoii aHob pii oye i aepia ooPoi peepeypBo epio i 12 epe o 23 o 1943 p. Cepe x - ai,ipyii, aH' Hop, poe a pyp io-xix oyei.Hpii paeo eia oyei (25 o) epiaexioo iiy .,e6e'', o oy 6yia iexoeuJaH (pio) ei ai. 3aepy ipoipoope (25 epe) oea iiy ..Mopi'' npooeP aiapx opll y ex ooapax.


  • oai ipoi ao i epii ai B0 .,3apaa''.H ouay peaHo i (.|8 epe - 25 py) oeaa aiBo ..pa'' (pi P6a) po a i ii opex peperyp opy epi a oai 1943 p. 3i (14 o - 28 oaa) oioopeepea opy ..Aoa'' iopy po H yio-poa-aoi po6o yio-oiy yai a epopii Bo oi-oi 1943 p. H ii ipoiy ii epii ai Boio i (opioo ie o) peepea C ..Tpeoo'' poii a yio-oi a y ioi opyi y epei-oi1943 p.

    peoy eaoy poii - oyeHax p (iooi opy)..oyH'' peaeo ii py A iooi aiipaiiai opy i epio]t,l oapa ..e'' (epo oi), ii ii Pieol o6ai a a Kpeeei (eep poiao6a). pix oyea pya A i Bo ieiy pya..E'', p ..oy'' a ioa opya Pie.

    ep y y6iaii oyei oayaH py aa } 37i 9 1943 p. oapa..He', po opya xap{ya oo6oooay py A. Hyi oo a a epio i 12 p o 30epe 1943 p. epia ai Bo oya opaiaii oeA, io, aiipaI.|x pae' epio ioi apaopx oyeHx opoa' 6pa 6poi a opoHx yiC. Haa t 20 (5 o) oio po epxi a 6i A ieoi 6 ioaoo iiy aep6ai. |i aa aepio i 26 o 1943 p. o 5 i 1944 p. oo6ooo aypy A opa a y6ox Pae' iapoo ayiii, lxoo ooapoo i apioo adeee' aaaai o apoi o a ioi. Haa i 15 i 1944p. epia ani a X oya peopaiaii eHo-aiapo[po6o. Haa opa py ,tlg 27 (16 i 1944 p.) peopyapo6oy o]vlya A a ai. oail oyl{eo y ipoii aa (23 ep) epia oioo iiy py ..Maa'' (Baya) po eypy poo)yao ipaii (o paio) epeoPo)try (pay a iey) npoy.

    .Qo ayoo ipoiy yi i po ii iii pyoapa ..e'' - ..oy''. Ha oay peTaeo i } 2 i 29 1943 P. po ii ipoii py y i. 3i i 11 1943 p. ia poaaH pe iiy A a Cxi. oeoyei }|oT iopaii i (.l5 oa - 31 py)ea a6y py ..epa', (.fl,po a) po a a iiiii py B oaiii 1943 p. po py ipoiiapii 1943 - a oay 1944 p. ipy 6i.i, i oo o iry e 6y py



  • Hay oe oyei - e i (10-31 py) oiooxoa py .,Heopa'' (Boop po) po oixoy po6oryy iiax A oi-oi 1943 p. .Qii iooi oooaapepi oai 1943 p. - Ha oay i 1944 p. io6paeoy iax (21 py 1943 p. - 12 i 19aa p.) oeaa ..Bopo,'.3aepy ipoi io (11 py 19a3 p.) oeoo "oe" pope Cxi pyi 1943 p.

    y6iai oyei iii a ipoii pooHa Haaal| epio i 10 o 14 l 1943 p. oaHPa opeoo iiy


    (.[po aa). iy pyy oyei ao }|aa i 1 o 17pytl 1943 p. oapa yPe ,,p6e', (Moa Cy) a i (17py) aaHa a6y ..opoop'' ( a). oioyeo}4 ipoiy paa iooi oooi aapepi py(16 i 19aa p.) oapa ..Ca6a" (0 aa).

    .Qoye o[4eHaa i iooi opy ..oy'' - ..a''

    (Cep 3ao) a epio i 8 epe 1943 p. o 16 i 1944 p.HoPya a epoya ii i. ipyi (12 o19a3 p.) aiipoo iiy ao opaioyaa ii aniBo. Hay oe - oye peepeyp C6 e epio i 10 epe o 18 oa 1943 p. a io pii..Co'' (Moa oa) a ,opi'' (Mo pay), o peopyaii iex opai.

    Haa (24 ucoaa) epi ooaPoo iiy ,.e6e,,poy.r iooy ai A o Pxoy po aiipil.Haa (24 oa) epia opaiaio-o6iiaioi peepyp,,T|,|pc|4,' a ei opae [i po6o. opyp .,Mo6iiaioo

    a'' (1943 p.) ipya po6oy opaiaio-o6iiaioipeeperyp. Oai aa (27 epe) epia ioo iiy..ypa''

    opa)ya ieoy peepeoi o6ip api.3 ipoi oyei aa i pii ai

    Bo ..ory''. 3i (9 oaa - 4 py) o|aHa ..a'' (Cepaoa) i oeo-oiy yai ii A iai a epopii iooi opy oi.pyi 1943 p. po e i iax (31 o - 30 oaa) yio.oioopeepea Bo .,o''. 3aepy eMaH ipoi oyeipy (Bo) ..oy'' i (22 oaa - 28 py) opaiaio-o6iiaioo pepea Bo ,,Tvtpcu", iax ieo paopaiaio-o6iiaiHoo apary, iooo oopa, oii ix aoo6opo y oi-pyi 1943 p.

    ep ea i 6ip ao oy}re}l i aepiapy (iooT opy) "Typi'', o i a epopii Booio6ai pai a pex paoax i iopyi.


  • ,Qoye oaya py pepeery aa ipyiii 16 epe 1943 p. o 22 i .|944 pp. 3a io oapi..oea'' (Moa oo, y), ,.Pyoo', (pi Cey) aixix ii. l-[ oyl,rea opy oo o opa.iai a oa ii py. flo Hx H;re)t(a ao) ai (8ep) epia oio.ooo iiy py ..Xypoo'' poopaiai paioi peooi C6 p A. oai i pyi oP xap{yilH oo6ooo ay py A (26 ), iooeioopo ierypo.

    .Qi y6iy oye i epia iii ipoii. Qe -a ol.taHya aoy ..oo'' i 19 ep o 13 py1943 p., o poya ioo-opiaiy ii aoy, aao aa i 31 p o py 1943 p. oaPa .,Mopoa''(popi ya) ype

    ..oM''. 0 oe ao oyei aepi paioi oaoi py aoy "Ns 02" - ..oepo''. Haoay Peaeo ioy (pae) a PoopH (30 pa, 1) o}.{aya Py - aoy ..Oepo''. oi - tla aay oaoy (11 oaa) a io ..eoia opea'' (Moa ao)a ipyi (epee) i a (16 o 19a3 p.) oeHxoixoi a io ..ypa''. .!.oo oye i aepiaaoy ..oepo,' aa oayaH ipoii: 2-o ype ..y'' (10epe), aoy ..i oi'' (22 ep 1943 p., ie 1944 p.)

    Hay ea ipoi i i iii a ipoii.Bi pooag io (2 ep) po 6oi iii A yi. Tyy6iy i i 22 epe o

    .l3 o 1943 p. epia oio-xooo iiy py ,.ypoo'' po a a oiy po6oy pyi,a ao - i (29 ep) oioo xo}l aoy ..oepo'' - ..Typa''po xoy po6ory aoi. ..Pai 3i'' ao 3 i 1944 p. ypeH..opo,' o iooi po ei a o6po ype.

    oai iPoi al| oye ai iooi opy. .{ooo yi aa a ipyii epii i i 10 epe o 16oaa 1943 p., o opy.r ii ooopeoi iooiaiipaii ai A.

    ,t ea poi - e oye i aepia py (iooiopy) ..'' a ix opya, i i a epopii o-po i axi paoax o o6ae.

    .[oye i aepia iii a ipoii aob i iiipo pe i 29 o 27 p 1943 p.; ioa (15 oa)py ..Cxi'' o eayox ypaii i Cxioi pa.

    floye ai iooi oPy pePeery i epii Apyio (oe) i epioi (o) opy po iiy,poaay ioy ii.


  • ***.[oye i aepia, o y6iy pyoy oi ooi pii

    ,.ioy A'', epepyoao 6e opoe, y oi ioioi oopiay.

    i oy i aepia tvta aoo' ei yoPai{.B x aeo: oyea, a aoi aop' apa, i, aaa ioo oep. o ary ope oyea e aoeo'i aye a io, ypoi oyal oo. aoy piyoy ay oao apax a [Cie 1943 p.].

    .!,oye pyylo 6e yp. poyei, a o epoiaH ei oHaab apaH ya [...). Hepoyii ai oHaHo paio (xx.). B ax oyei epaHo aopiipee (,x'-'1. epepy oyei i aepiai ix aaHaeo eei oyea.

    ai lrai,lo 6epeeo ey' aopi a peaopioo6oi pe. e i oao ai eopaii a. io3 ya},r oPa paeo yryai, ao. Teoyei i epiai oaHo a ooi yx pa y6iai.iiopx oyei. o aai paeo 6e aepee.3ope, y ioioi oa yaoo ypaioo paoypaeo pei, o (o oy - ootvty' ia _i a, oi - oi, --a-e - H Ha e' pio - pio ,apa - pa). opoaHo a aopoa (a'pi -api, 33o - 'o). Oppaii oM, o epepyy1v|oe ae' oao y pia. .(oa ypM iepa, aa6eo, oao (oix. ) ai i py o i (opeioa a i.).

    p (13ge) iop paolly epxoy yy eyoyea. p (3in) e ePea' oi oo aei6a epio (oi) eei oyeHa. Ha a oyeHax(apeya, peoii a i.), o oy xoo iy, 6epeeoi oao pooeHH ey oye. |i oyeo.

    apeei oa ei oao. B opex aax oooio6pae iry apeei i iopeHo ei paioieo (). Copoeo aai oa' pi aaopxoPoe' iopeo oi a paio ieo (xx[xl). Heo>tipopyaH opoe 33eo y pia.

    epeaa aopoi opiaoi iy oyei aaea ooi Pa' o opoyao iobi yA i 0H. Hai ooi peo eooi. oo epepyoax ei aepii(i, opyp oo}, o ae opioi oye aiex pyoi.


  • oe oye aepit ypoo)ry eHolo, i aaeHoie 6epiaH oyea (opovea aa apxiy, oep oy' oy'pa, apyi), ayb ei oyei (opia, oi).Biope oyei i epiai pyap oo6o e aHaeo.a i pyoe iope oyei i aepiai. lpaipo op 6iai epepy oye ob eei.

    6ipy peaeo oooppe epeop oaHooy A i ai' a ao opai e iooo ) oai Boi oii. 3aaei y iax i oppea yii aioi yei epii a ao ioia iaoy epioy. ia o oopai oroo oao aHy ipai o6peHe a ix ooe. peaei aepia 6epia o'epi ooei aa

    ..io A',.op ol ipai a epeop iioo

    Hia ea a i6 eo epii py (Bo) ..3apaa,'.a epeopi oopai oxo pxiy

    ,. ioy yA,,o i

    ..oei[ i. epa . oioo iiy aiiy6opo6y pi'' p iepei opoo. peei i6ao o oyei, i6pax y oy ai, a apxiy


    yA,. oox lx o oioay ey piepai

    i6io Kopey CA.36ip, yoo-apxeopivy iooy oyeHi i oopai,

    popo6y xe a apoxe oy oHa oeap Bo' eyxiy a Hayoy po6oy o iooi 6ipa o|.|El ipa aeo.

    iooi iey o oyei ya oeap Bo,Ba o, Mapa Myxia, Ipa aeo, eoi , ipapeoa, pi epo.

    op pyoo oy ooi epii ..ioy A'' a py

    oy ipo6i ABo pi Kei i APo Pioy aayoooy y ei a oii oyei; lpi .Qyeoi, TaapiMaeoi iopy May - xiy i ayoy po6ory opaH oyei.

    0o6 oy 1,|oeo Peai a iipai ..io

    A'' . Topoo (ea); lay . poporry, peey, Moiyy, ap6y a eeyi opoioo aaoo eioypaoro Biiy s360 i. a ooaa, eaepa XpeaBiopi, Topoo, aaa - a GP i iao ipl,tyioo a 6iai o pai.


    oecodp Boa

  • PRE E

    his vo|ume of he ..Litopys UPA'' presents douments and materia|sof the Ukrinin lnsurgent Army (UPA) and its rear |ine mi|itary struturerelated to ombat nd military-administrtive ativities in Vo|yn ad Po|issiaduring the Germa oupatio. he period overed is from April 1943 toJanury 1944. The doumets in|ude prolamations, orders, dirtives,instrutions, reports nd other materia|s, most of whih were inaessib|eto sho|ars or genera| reders sine their apture by the Soviet seret poliedurig the Seond World War. With the rebirth of the Ukrainian state, thesia| o|Ietions in state arhives whih had previously ben |osed beamopen to sho|ar|y study. The Urrent vo|ume is the result of th work doneusing suh olletions.

    on|y very smal| portion of th douments and materiaIs presented inthis volume previously appeared in Ukrainian publiations abrod, primarilyin the volumes of the ,.Litopys UPA''. |n tht series of books, whih beganto appear in Caada in 1975, the first, seond, fifth and twenty seventhvo|umes da|t with the UPA and oUN ativities in Vo|yn and Polissi.

    This volume of douments and mteri|s, whih were disovered in thearhivs of Ukraine, is, essentia||y, a rp|y to the sttment made by Col.Myko|a ome|iusik, Chief of the UPA hedquarters operationa| division,published in 1953 in the journal "Visti Kombatanta". He stated that, in hisopinion .....the future historian wi|| not find muh materia| from undergroundsoures of that period, beause the UPA headqurters' whih Was verymobi|e and moreover |aked a seure rear line administration, destroyed mostvaluable mterials suh as reports, iru|ars, orders, et. fter their use, inorder to prevent their fa||ig into enemy hnds'' 1. We hope that this vo|umewi|| b an important otinution of the work strted er|ir by the ..Litopys

    UPA'' in Canda and wiIl prove usefuI not on|y to shoIars researhing theUPA and OUN ativities, but to all who have an interst in the history ofVolyn and Polissia.

    he Ukrainian nation| Iibertion movement in Vo|yn and Po|issia duringthe Seond World War has not yet been suffiient|y studied. he douments

    t Litopys UPA, Toronto, 1989, vol. 1, p. 19.



  • and materia|s pub|ished in this vo|ume provide additiol information aboutthe ourse of events in that region' in|uding th origins and ativities ofertain UPA formtions, d in partiular' their headquartrs, and rear |iand supp|y admiistrative strutures. By way of information, a brief historiaIoverview of the UPA and OUN ativity in this territory in 1943 is herebyprovided.

    The nteedents to the estb|ishment of an insurgent army by theorganization of Ukrainian NtionIists supporting n lndependent State(OUNSD) 2 should probab|y be sought in ear|ier miIitary tivity by the OUN.The period prior to the spring of 1943 should be viewed as a oneptionof a mi|itary organization, th UPA, within the po|itia| formation, the oUN.The atua| beginning or birth of the Ukrinian |nsurgnt Army as a separatemiIitary formation under the oUNsD leadership in Volyn and Po|issi amabout oly in r|y spring of 194. A prefae to the rsolutions of the oUNThird Extraordinary General AssembIy, whih took pla in August 1943,states that ..during its hird Conferene, in February 1943' the oUNLeadership having assessed the enemy's internal strength, and the extrnlpo|itia| sitution ame to th view that onditions in the Id had beomefavourabl for mi|itary ation. Fo||owing this deision, there appared in Vo|ynand Po|issia the first rmed units of the Ukrinian lnsurgent Army (UPA).From that very momnt, the Ukrainin militry fore took oto its shouldersthe responsibi|ity for dfending the Ukrainian popu|ation. ln addition to se|defense, the UPA almost immediate|y took on the task of formig theadres of the future Ukrinian Peop|e,s Army.'' 3

    ln spring 1943, there a|ready existd ..armed units of Bndera's OUN,'whih had outgrown the status of organizationa| ombt ells ad, fo|lowingthe mi|itry and politial deisions of the OUNSD Supreme Ledership, beganto form strutured mi|itary subunits. These inluded the units ommandedby .,ostp'' 4 (Serii Kahynskyi), .,Dubovyi'' (lvan Lytvynhuk), ..Korobka'' 5(Hryhorii Perehiniak), ..Iarema'' (Nykon Semeniuk), ..Kruk'' (|vn

    2 his ame was adopted y the OUN organization |ed by Stepan Bandera during the Thirdonferene of th oUN Supreme Ledership in February 1943. At the oUN hird xtraordiaryAssmb|y in August 1943' te formr nm was rinstated.

    oUN v svit|i postanov Ve|ykykh Zoriv, Koferetsiy t inshykh dokumetiv z borot'by1929..|955. Bibliotek ukrayins'koho pidpi|'yka' 1955, no. 1' p. 97.

    a Here and herefter, l| pseudoyms and ode names are show in quotatio mrks. Theorgiztio i Po|issi i Otober 1942 by OUN military setion head ostap o| rmed groupsws reognized as the bgining of nw forms ol the |ieratio revo|utiory movment . theUPA' by the reso|ution of the Supreme Ukriian Liberation Couni| (UHVR) of May 30 nd thespil order of UPA Supreme Commnder Tars Chuprynk (Rom Shukhevyh) of otober14, 1947. otober 14, 1942 ws renized s the day of the foundig of the UPA.

    ln the publitio issued by the UPA po|itia| division (zahin), th nwspr Do zbroiof Ju|y 1943' the rmed unit ommanded by Korobka is alled the first UPA ompany.


  • K|ymyshy),..Arkas'' (oleksii Brys), ..ostryin (laros|av Zhdan), ..Dorosh'' (PetroKukharhuk) and others.

    During the Germn oution of Ukraine durig Wor|d War Two, Volynand Po|issi formed the north-wstern part of the Nazis' ..Reihskommissriat

    Ukrine.'' As rt of the oUNsD orgnization's territoria| division of Ukrineothis territory ws given the name North.Western Ukrainin Lands (PZUZ) 6.

    ln terms of its geographia| |otion nd natura| |andsape, this region wsonduiv to the introdution of partisan ativity.

    ln the spring of 1943, PZUZ territory was the site of undergroundativity by the oUNsD krai |edrship, whih osisted of the hief,.,okhrim'' (Dmytro Kliahkivskyi), the po|itil setion head, .,Ha|yna'' (|akivBusel), and the Seurity Servi (SB) stion head

    ..Bezridnyi', (Vasy| Makad.operating within the Ieadership's military stionwas a krai miIitaryheadquarters, whih had been estab|ished in 1942, |ed by the mi|itary setionhed, Lt. ..Som'', .,Sonar,'' (Vsy| lvakhiv) 7.

    Part of PZUZ |erritory was the site of oprations of the oUNsDundrground organizational network, whih ws subjet to the krai |eadershipnd was divided into |ower leve|s tied to administrative-geographia| units:ob|st, okruha (povit), ndraion, rion, pidrion, kushh. The smallestunderground e|t ws the oUNSD stanytsia 8, omposed of anywhere froma few to a few dozen organization members and ndidates and membersof the oUN womn,s and youth setions. Genera||y, a stanytsia,s ativitiesovered a sing|e vi||age in rura| res or a single institution in urban entres.At l| |eve|s of the network, underground tivity was direted by |oaIoUNsD |eaderships. ln ddition to the hiefs, the leaderships onsisted ofth fo||owing setions: soia|-propaganda, organizationa|, seurity srvie,military, women's, youth, ommunition and eonomi management. Thesetions, whih wre headed by stions heads from |ol leadrships, hadtheir stffs: the subsetions. When |oa| organizations were first estab|ished,members of the |eadership frequently haded sevral stions simultaneouslyto ble the shortage ofpersonel. ln ear|y 1943 on PZUZ territory, theoUNsD membership numbred severa| thousand. With |tr developments,the membership, and espeia||y the numbers of sympathizers, sigifiant|yinreased.

    5 | dditio to the Vo|yn and Rive ob|asts, PZUZ |so i|uded the southern rions ofthe Brestia ad Po|issi ob|sts of Be|rus. l 1943' te Zhytomyr nd westrn part of theKiev ob|asts were |so dded.

    ? on l4ay 13, 1943, i skirmish with German army suunit near the vi|lage of Chernysh,Ko|ky rio, Voly oIst, Lt. ..So.. (..Sonr', Vasy| |vkhiv) was ki|ld, proab|y together withother membrs of his hdquartrs - Lt. Yu|iyn Kov|skyi (.,Hrpun') ad lst Lt. SemnSnidetskyi (..Sirko').l Depending o the umer of members in the post, there ou|d be a sm||er unit, thnu|eus /oseredo*.] eah one onsistig of 3.5 members.


  • The events of Wor|d War l| had a tangib|e effet on the eonomi,soio|itia| and mi|itary situation in Volyn and Po|issia. Nzi German defeatsat the fronts led to inreases in food requisitions nd the fored evauationof young ople to work in th Reih. ven passive resistan by the |oalpopu|ation,oup|ed with underground, and in some ases partisan ativity bythe Soviet, Po|ish ad Ukrainin indendene movements, brought on brutalreprisals from the oupying administrtion, With the partiition of the lo|Ukrinin auxiliary po|ie 9. ln time, the members of the auxi|iary polie begnto rfuse to take part in punitive ations aginst the ivilian Ukrainianpopu|ation, whih immeditely resulted in repressions gainst them.

    he miIitary.po|itial situation on PZUZ territory was sharpenedonsiderably by the ..mov into the forest'' initiatd by the oUNSD in Mrh-Apri| 1943 in response to Germa repressions against the Ukrainian aui|iarypo|ie and |atr re|ated vents. The number of po|ie members whoabandoned the German srvie was four to five thousand. Many of therunaways eventual|y joined to the newly-estblishd OUNSD insurgent rmy.Aording to UPA staff offir Co|. M. omeliusik, ..They formed the bsiadres possessing some training for the development of |arger UPA units"i0.he German oupational administration responded to the deprture ofUkrainian polie members by reruiting Poles for poIie servie andimmediate|y began to use them for brutal paifiation of Ukrainian villages.his ontributed great|y to the subsequent PoIish-Ukrinin,onf|it.

    After the ..move into the forest'', oUNsD prtisan mi|itary struturesbegan to be organized on a |arge saIe o the basis of the branhedunderground organiztioaI network. ln various plaes in VoIyn and Po|issia,ombt ells, bands, groups' ompanies and divisions were established. Thisproess demnded a|| of the organiztion,s strength and energy. Forestamps begn to be ui|t nd equipped, nd eonomi and supp|y strutureswere being estab|ishd. Rea| miIitary training ws also initiated.

    ln ApriI-May, 1943, fo|lowig the adoption of the name Ukrainia|nsurgent Army, the oUNsD armed units bgan using this nme offiial|y.Using the PZUZ krai military staff as an example, the UPA SupremeCommand was formd. on the basis of military stffs working With ob|stand regiona| oUNsD |eadrships, territoria| UPA headquarters Were formed.The UPA mi|itary ourt was established. ln May, 1943, the signature underthe text of the pro|mtion entit|ed ..Ukrinins!'' indiates the forma|po|itia| separation of the UPA Supreme Commnd from the OUNSD krailedership on PZUZ territory. he pro|mtion sttes, first of a||, that .,The

    Ukraini peop|e are sending into batt|e for a Ukrainian lndependent United9 |n the prsent otext, this name is used s geer| term for all th mi|itry po|ie

    subunits of whih most ol the membrs were Ukriis.o Litopys UPA, Toroto, 1989, vol. 1, p.26'


  • State - the Ukrini Insurgent Army (UPA)." lt a|so takes anunompromising position towards other Ukrainian independene movements.

    As we study the ativity of the Ukrinian lnsurgent Army on PZUZt^'ritor nd other regions of Ukraine, the question arises whethr it waspartisan or insurgent in nature. Aording to rtain approahes 11 of thOUN and UPA leadership toward the method of armed struggle, "Partisanstrugg|e by a subjugtd peop|e is genera||y an initia| stage or part of the.great

    Wr,, the popu|ar insurgene, when that armedpeople reates regulararm." 12 Aording to another approah, partisan ativity my deve|op asat of n established rmy i the enemy's rear lines, or as the ativity ofinsurgents "on their native soil." "Partisans must have behind them thepopu|ation or the army.'' 13 From this we an onIude that the tivity ofth UPA army should probabl be onsidered insurgent, or, in other words,a ertain stage and speifi form of partisan ation, sine it was |imitedto Ukrainian ethni territory' was supported by the indigenous popu|atiorather thn a rgu|ar army and Ws ttempting to transform itself ito aregu|ar struture.

    As of My 1943, we hear of ations y the first insurgent formations,whih were relative|y large, numbering more than fiv hundred men. Theseinluded the ..First UPA group'' ommanded by ..Dubovyiu (Ivan Lytvynhuk),the ..ozero'' Ukrainian lnsurgnt Group ommanded by ..Rudyi'' (luriiSte|mashhuk) nd the ..Kotlovyna'' division (zahin) ommnded y ..lurii

    Rubashenko'' (Stepan Kovl). hey were a|| ative in Polissia, in the Kostopil,Kovel and Kolky regions respetiv|y. SmalIer formations were a|soestablished in Vo|yn. |n the Vo|odymyr-Volynskyi - Horokhiv region, the ,.Sih''

    division (zahin) was formed, ommanded by ..Sosenko'' (Porfyrii Antoniuk).ln th southern Rivne o|ast nd in the Kremianets, region divisions wereestablished ommanded by ..Chernyk'' (Dmytro Kzvan), .,Chornomorets'''(|evhen Basiuk), ..Kruk', (|van Klymyshyn) and other ommanders. he abovenew formations beame the bss of the UPA grouPs nd rer |ine militryregions (Vo) orgizd in the sond half of the summr.

    From the time of their establishment, the UPA armed units began ativemilitary operations. They arrid out ttks on supp|y, transportation,administrativ and military ntrs of the oupationa| administration. Forbrief periods, they ontro||ed entire towns (min|y Po|issi raion entres):Vo|odymyrets, Stepan, Vysotsk, Dubrovytsi, Liudvypi|, Derazhne, olyka,suman and Horokhiv. he town of Ko|ky, fred from German admiistrtion

    11 The approhes of the OUN nd UPA |eadership to the methods of rmed strugg| areref|eted in the istrutions: Prtyzank. Shho ye prtyzk? (DARO, Co||. 30, Ds. 2, Fi-| 39, Fo|ios 11.16); Partyznk (istoriy, nazva, s|ovo). (DARO, Co|l. 30, Des. 2, Fi|e 39, Folios8-10).

    12 DARo, o||. 30, Des. 2, Fi|e 39, Fo|io 11.13 DARo' Col|. 30, Des. 2, File 39, FoIio 9.


  • by the "Kot|ovyna" division (zahin), remined under UPA and rear |ie otroluntil November 1943. |n one ambush, arried out o May 2, 1943, a|ong theKove|-Berestia road by unit of the ompany ommanded by ..Kubik'' (ykhinZinhuk), th German SA (Sturmabti|ung) 14 hief, Gen. Viktor Lutze, waski||ed. During the spring, there was a marked inrease in the number ofskirmishs with Soviet and Polish partisan formtions.

    The organization of the OUNSD armed units was onduted bymi|itarysetion heads, Iaders at different |evels of the territoria| network nd formerommanders of the Ukrainian uxi|iary po|ie. However, the shortage ofoffirs meat that UNR rmy and Red Army offiers living in Vo|yn andPolissia had to be brought in, even if some of the latter were not ofUkrainian origin. To enb|e the UPA to trin its own military adres, non-ommissioned offiers' shoo|s were organized within most UPA groups anddivisions in the spring of 1943. On April 27, training began within the new"First UPA Group". On May 30, the "Chief Otaman Symon Petliura" 15 non-ommissioned offiers' shoo| began to orate alongside the ..Sih'' division(zahin) in the Vo|odymyr-Vo|ynskyi region. After the omp|etion of severlweeks of training, the insurgnt rmy obtained its first non-ommissionedoffiers. hese personel wre immediate|y ssigned to tive nd newly-establishd uits to serve as militry instrutors (trainers) or subunitommanders.

    |n th summer of 1943, inreasing|y |arge areas of Vo|yn and Po|issiaWere overd by OUNSD nd UPA mi|itary ad administrtive tivity. TheGerman administratio had wlled itself off in ities and towns and ontro||edthe rural ares only by day, with the he|p of |arge units of mi|itary po|ieand the PoIish auxiIiary polie16. However, in addition to German opposition,the xpansion of UPA and OUNSD ativity, espeially in Po|issia, was a|sob|okd by |arge Soviet and smalIer Po|ish partisan formations whih werehosti|e to the idea of an indendent Ukraine. he Soviet formations in|udedthe Rivne partisan formation (ommander Vo|odymyr Bhma), the Chernihivformation (ommander o|eksii Fedorov), the Sumy formtion (ommandrSydir Kovpak) and the Zhytomyr formation (ommander o|ksandr Sburov).The Po|ish formtios onsisted of Armija Krjow (AK) subunits nd alsoother units, whih had joied the Soviet prtisan formations. As a resu|t,the UPA bem invo|ved in an hausting struggl on three fronts, againstGerman, Soviet and Polish fores.

    With respet to the UPA,s onf|it with the PoIes, it shou|d be otedthat the oUN was determined to drive the Po|es (mny of whom were inter-

    11 | German, assau|t units.15 |n Ju|y 1943, it was ssiged the ode nme ..Svit|'.|6 | the present ontext, this nme is used as genra| term for all the mi|itry polie

    subunits of whih most of the members wer Po|es.


  • War sett|ers or o|onizers) trom the territory of insurgent operations. Fortheir part, the Polish government-in.exi|e, the AK, whih was the lega|suessor of the Polish Army and subjet to the govrnment-in-exile, and(]ther organizations were equal|y determined to maintin ontro| overterritories whih previously hd ben part of the PoIish state. With the helpof the Catho|i Churh, they ative|y invoIved most of the Po|ish populationin their ause. he Ukrainian-Polish onfIit was also ative|y eouraged byGermn and Soviet offiia|s. Th hostages in this onflit wer frquentlythe Ukrainian and Po|ish populations. UnfortunateIy, the war roused in bothl'Jkrainians and Po|s age-old hostilities and desirs for revnge and led thetwo eighbouring peop|es to attempt to annihi|ate h other.

    |n addition to onstnt mior skirmishes with German poIie subunits,the larger mi|itry atios onduted by the UPA during the summer of 1943,whih are known to us tody, inlude the fo||owig:

    - the raid, of sver| months duration, onduted by units ommndedby ..Vereshhaka'' (Fedir Vorobets) in the Zhytomyr and Kiev oIasts andsevera| ombat ations against Soviet partisa and Geman po|ie subunitsi th same rgions;

    - the Ju|y offensiv by units of the ,'ozero,, divisio (zahin) gainstbses of the Chernihiv Sovit partisans in the Manevyhi, Liubeshiv andRatne rions;

    - in the seond ha|f of Ju|y, severa| major btt|es between uits of the',ozero,, divisio (zahin) and Soviet partisan subuits in the Holoviany andVerba raions;

    - the ation of July 17-19 by the First UPA Group against PolishoIonies in whih Armija Krajow and Red prtisan units were sttioned;

    - the destrutio of the Soviet partisn amp ommanded by Antinodukh in the Shumsk region by nei's group's Dubno and Kremianetsbatt|ions (kureni) on Ju| 24-25

    - the seizure of the Polissia raion entre, Kamin.Kashyrskyi, during thenight of August 19-20 by "Ozero" division (zahin) subunits;

    - the raid nd skirmishes with Soviet partisans in August in the Srnyand Pinsk regions by units of "Commander Borysten's (Dmytro Korinets)ombat group',.

    The UPA's and |oal village omat e|ls' skirmishes with German liesubunits reahd their greatest intesity durig the Germns, seizure of thenew harvest from the popu|ation. Germn po|ie troops, ommanded by Gen.. von dem Bah-Za|ewski, onduted wid-sa|e mi|itry ations aginst theUPA in Vo|yn in August 1943. Both sides experiened heavy |osses and thereWere many asua|ties among the iviIian popu|ation. Some UPA units, inpartiu|ar ..Enei,s'' group' were ob|iged, temporrily, to leave their aseterritory in southern Volyn and ondut raids into other ares. Some unitsof the "l. Bohun" - "Sih" division (zahin) Were temporarily dissolved.


  • ln Ju|y 1943, in agreemet with th oUNsD leadership reso|utions, UPAsuunits disarmed the units of theoUN |ed by Col. Andrii e|nyk, whih wereative in the Kremiants and Vo|odymyr-Vo|ynskyi regios. ln August.September 1943, units of the Ukrinian Peop|e's Revo|utionary Army (UNRA)I7ommanded by ras Bulba-Borovets were also disarmd. Most of thesoldiers from the disarmed formations joined UPA units.

    In the sond ha|f of the summer, insurgent ativity ontinued tointensify. This ws the end,of the peiod of UPA orgaization, whih Istedfrom er|y spring to late summer 1943. As the UPA grew, it estabtishedpermaent organized forms - ompanies (sotni), battalions (kureni), divisions(zahony), groups (hrupy). h UPA now etered a new phase of ativity, thatof state retion. This was somewhat analogous to the mi|itry-administrativeativity of the Zaporozhzhian Army during Ukrine's nationa| libertionstruggle of the midl7th entury (regimental administrtive struture, et.).

    At the end of the summer on PZUZ territory, oUNsD and UPA tivity,hving partia||y |ost its underground flavour, swithed to a military mode,with estab|ishmet of front and a rear |ine. The front was UPA tivityand the rr |ine, oUNsD mi|itry-administrative ativity. on PZUZ territory,the front and rear lines were direted by miIity authority - the UPASupreme Command headed by UPA Supreme Commnder ..K|ym Savur',(Dmytro Kliahkivskyi). other members of the UPA Supreme Command werethe headquarters hif _ the mi|itry hief of staff, Co|. ..Honharenko''(Leonid Stupnytskyi, who was a|so the mi|itry affairs deputy), the diretorof the po|itia| division - the po|itia| hief of staff, ..Roman Halyna'' (|akivBuse|), nd the rear |ine ommander, ..Pav|eko'' (Rostys|av Vo|oshyn, whowas the administrtiverganizational dputy). Th military headquarters ameunderthe uthority of th UPA hief of staff. he hadquarters onsistedof the folIowing divisions: orgniztion|-operational, inte||igene, om-muniation, supply, training, hea|th nd others. Under the authority of thdirtor of the politial division (zahin), namely th po|itia| hief of staff,in ddition to the division (zhin) itse|f, ame the po|itil-edutional unitsof UPA groups and indiret|y (a|ong pofessiona| Iines) the rear line soia|-politia| setions. he authority of the rar line ommander overd thfoIlowing setions: organizationa|-mobiIization, soial-poIitial, the surityservie, eonomi management, ommuniations, the Ukrainian Red Cross andthe newIy-stablishd iviIin administrtion.

    h entire PZUZ territory (Genera| Okruha - G0) was divided into fouropertional-territoria| setors, name|y, the miIitary regions (Viiskovi Okruhy -Vo), in whih speifi UPA groups wer basd, headd by oprationa|-trritoria|

    l' | Ju|y .l943, ttre Po|iska Sih UPA was rnamed th Ukrainia People,s Revo|utioryArmy (UNRA).


  • ommnds. he mi|itary regions (Vo) were divided into sma||er setors - miIitrynadraions (VN), military raios (VR), military pidrions (VP), kushhi and stanytsi.hese military.administrtive institutions, estabIished on the bsis of the previousoUN orgniztionI network, beame the basis of the UPA rer line.

    Following is what is known about the |rger mi|itary-dministrative unitsof the UPA rer |ine on PZUZ territory in the fl|-winter of 1943:

    The ..Zhrava,' UPA V0 (group), No. ..01'', overed the northern ha|fof the Rivne oblast nd southern raions of the Po|issia ob|st of Be|rus.The region in|uded the fo|lowing military nadrions: Kostopi| -..Dolyna'',Srny - ..Lisov Pisnia,, Stolyn _ ..Ha|o'', Pinsk - ..Boloto''.

    The ..Bohun'' UPA vo (group) 18, No. ..02'', overed the southern halfof the Rivne ob|st and the Kremianets region. he mi|itary nadraions were:Korets - "2/2",..Kolino'' ; Rivne - "3/3,,,,zero,,; Zdo|buniv - "4/4","Luh"; Dubno - "6/6", "Dub"; Kremianets - "7/7',

    The uriv UPA v0 (group), No. ..03''' inluded the Vo|yn o|ast and thesouthern raions of the Berestia oblast of Be|arus. he military nadraionslgwere: Lutsk - "Khortytsia," Volodymyr-Volynskyi - "Step", Kovel - "Kodak",Berestia.

    The ..Tiutiunnyk,, UPA Vo (group) 20, No. ..04'', overed the Zhytomyroblast and the wester raions of the Kiev obIast. he militry nadrionswere: Zhytomyr, Berdyhiv, Andrushiv, Novohrad-Vo|ynskyi, Ovruh, Fstivand others.

    |n the oprationa|-territoril ommands, the UPA mi|itary region andgrouP Was |ed by the group ommander. The group headquarters, headedby th hief, and the rear line administration, headed by the rear |inommader fe|| under his authority. The duties of the group's hif of staffin|uded organizing the troops' di|y |ife and tivities, dveIoping p|ans formi|itry operations and taking prtia| measures for thir exeution. As prtof the group headquarters was the politial division (zahin) headquarters,heded by the po|itial instrutor (politial hief of staff). His funtionsinluded propaganda work and politia| eduation of the groupunit personne|.The rear line ommander dirted alI the organiztional work of the OUNunderground, the estab|ishment, regu|ation and ontrol of the work of theiviIian administration, mobiIization into the UPA, materi| and suppIystrutures, the Ukrainia Red Cross nd other ativities on the territory of

    18 For ertai time, in itm| organizational douments the group (Vo) was ||ed by thpseudonym of its ommar nei.

    19 Probab|y baus of the progressive reformation ot lhe uderground nd organiztionof mi|itry and ivi|ian dministratios, in the mi|itar ndraios to whi the former oUN egioswere subjet, the oUN drions ontiued to operte.

    20 l propagand mteri|s it ws ||ed UPA.st.


  • th mi|itary region. The politi| setion head (|itial hief of staff) diretedpo|itia| work in the dministrative territory of the mi|itary region.

    The ear|iest ommanders and rer line ommnders know to us todaywere:

    ,,Zahrava,, Group (Vo) - ommander ..Dubovyi'' (|van Lytvynhuk), rer|ine ommander .,lurko'' (|urii Rybak).

    ..Bohun'' group (Vo) - ommander ,.nei'' (Petro 0|iinyk), rar |ineommander .,Ptshka'' (SyIvestr Zatovkaniuk).

    ..uriv'' group (Vo) - ommander ..o|eh'' 21 (yko|a Kovtoniuk-|akymhuk),rear line ommnder ..Iros|v Karme|iuk', 22.

    .,Tiutiunnyk'' group (Vo) - ommander ..Vereshhak'' (Fedir Voroets).With the exeption of the ..iutiunnyk'' Vo, the operationa|-territori|

    ommands of the UPA groups (Vo) had most of the populated entres inVo|yn and Polissia under their po|iti| inf|uene and miIitary-dministrativeativity. However, the UPA units and |oa| formations (ombt e||s, vi|lagese|f-dfene units) under their ontro|, whih in some ases were muhweker (in numbers, ammunition) than thir opponents, were unab| toguarntee the seurity of the rer |ines. |n the seond ha|f of 1943, suhseurity existed only temporari|y nd main|y in forested areas: (Kreminetsregion (Antonovyhi repub|i), Korets region (northern part), Vo|odymyr-Vo|ynskyi region (..Sih''), Kovel region (Sku|yn forest), Ko|ky region (Kolkyrepub|i) nd Stepan-Derazhne region). For this reson' the operationa|-territoria| ommands, in partiu|ar UPA headquarters, Were mobi|e, frequent|ydeentra|ized and to some extent underground. he group ommands wereonentrated (qurtered) main|y in farmsteds and villages of the above-metioned rs.

    Po|itial-propganda work on territories overed by insurgent ndunderground ativity was onduted with the he|p of periodia| and non-periodia| publiations produed in undrground printing shops of the kri|eadership and military regions (V0). The pub|iation of po|itial-propagandalitrature was direted by the rar |in soial-politil entre heads, withprtiipation from UPA po|itia| instrutors. For the prodution of seriIpubliations, propaganda entres were stabIishd (the UPA UkrainianPressServie [UPS]) and organizatioa|ly |inked to underground printing shops(tehnial units).

    UPA mi|itry Press on PZUZ territory in 1943 onsisted of sevralperiodi pub|iations: the UPA Suprme Command journal ..Do zroyi''(printd in the ..Zahrava,' V0), the humorous journal ..Ukrainskyi Perets''

    2! From mid.September 1943, the Turiv group was ommded by ..Rudyi" (YiuriySteImashhuk).

    22 As of Novembe 1943 (assumed date), the Turiv mi|itary regio rer |ie ommnderwas ..Kry|h" (Pnas Mtviyhuk).


  • (Zdo|buniv military nadraion in the .,Bohun'' Vo), the nwspar .Nash front''(Kovel military nadraion in the "Turiv" VO), the newspaper "lnformator"(Vo|odymyVo|ynskyi military nadraion in th ..Turiv" v0).

    The dominant idea in the UPA press Was the hievment of theUkrainin |depedent United State by means of strugg|e against the..imperia|isti regimes'' of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Uion. |n dditionto po|iti|-propaganda matria|s, whih expressed this idea based on thehistory of the Ukrinian peop|'s ntion| |iberation strugg|e, the UPA pressa|so pub|ished tehnial miIitary and politia| iformation and poeti ndhumorous materi|s.

    The eonomi management setion ssumed a great deal of imrtaneamong UPA rear |ine tivitis. Supporting staff estimted t mor than10'000 peop|es required a powerfuI purhase and suppIy apparatus.Autonomous eonomi mangement strutures were reated in all exept the..Tiutiunnyk'' Vo. The ltter re|ied on the srvies of the ..Zahrava'' and..Bohun'' mi|itary regions beause of the lak of deve|opmet of an UPA rear|ine eonomi management apparatus in the Zhytomyr nd Kiev ob|asts.

    he leadership of the abov UPA groups was lmost idential inomposition to the UPA Suprme Command. The differen between theUPA Supreme Commnd and the group ladership |ay in the fat that theUPA Supreme Command, being limited in size (a few dozen men), playedthe ro|e of a partisan ntre on PZUZ territory. lt provided professiona|assistane in organizing .,partisn ativity',' gave ations genera| diretionnd planned the more important mi|itary operations. The UPA rear |ine|eadership p|yd simi|ar role. |n partiular, in th area of mterie| andsupply, the eonomi managment division of the UPA Suprme Commado-ordinted UPA and rer |ine needs, determined and devloped theeonomi potenti| of the mi|itary regions and organized exhange and tradeamong them. Thus, the oprational-territoria| ommand of the groups andVos shou|dered |most the etire burden of the military, administrative andeonomi management ativity of the UPA nd rear |ine in Volyn adPoIissi.

    he UPA groups operating in the VOs wer orgnized into ompnies(sotni), batta|ions (kureni) and divisions (zahony). The ompany 23, whih hadabout 100 _ 150 men, ws the smallest military opertiona| unit. Two or threeompanies joind together to form a btta|ion or division. |n the ,.uriv''group' divisions wre signifiantly lrger nd were omposed ot 2-3battaIions. Compnis, battalios nd divisions Were ttahed territoria||y totheir pIae of estab|ishment or as. An exeption to this was the

    23 A ompay ws divided into sm||er militry tati| units - squdrons ad pltoons.Three squadrons made up p|too; three pltoos nd a mortr or havy mhie gun squdronmaoe UP ompy.


  • ,,Tiutiunnyk,' group' whih was omposed largely of units trnsferred fromother groups and had bases in the ..Zhrav'' and ..Bohun'' military regions.

    The fo||owing is known bout the struture and ommnd staff of theUPA groups and their subunits on PZUZ territory i er|y autumn:

    Group no. ..01'', 'Zahrava,' - mi|itary hief of staff Lt. ,.Slavuta''.''Makrenko'' 2a (]',tyko|a Levytskyi), politial hief of staff ..ostapn, politialoffier ,,Zmni', (Stepan Kostetskyi). he group's divisions (zahony) were:

    ..Bohun'' division -,ommander ..larema'' (Nykon Semenuik);

    ..ostap', division - ommander ..Shvula,, (Adam Rudyk);

    ..Ko|odzinskyi'' divisio - ommander .,Lidka'' (ykyta Skub);

    ..KonovaIets'' division - ommader ,.Kora'' (akar Me|nyk);,.Khmelnytskyi'' division (zahin) - ommander ..Borovyi'' (Vasy|Brylevskyi);,

    .,Doroshenko'' division - ommander ..Voronyi'' (Vasy| Levkovyh);Group no. ..02,', ..Bohun', - mi|itry hief of staff ..Chernyk'' (Dmytro

    Kazvn), politia| offier "Nestor''. The group's batt|ions (kureni)2s wre:Dubno - ommader "lurko', (|urii Chuikovskyi); Kremianets - ommandr"Kruk'' (lvan K|ymyshy). Most of the group,s units operted as individualompanies 26 |d by ommanders:..Maks'' (ksym Skorupskyi), ..Nhus"

    (Serhii oteskiv), ..SabIiuk'' (ostap Kahan), ..Hordienko'' (Dmytro Khandii),..ore|'', ..TopoIia'' nd others.

    Group no. ..03'', ..Turiv'' _ mi|itary hief of staff ..K|ym'' (ykol Bedryk),politia| offier ..Khmuryi.i' The group's divisions (zhony) were:

    no. ..01'', ..Kotlovyna'' - ommander ,.lurii Rubashenko'' (Stepn KovaI),mi|itry hief of staff apt. ..lar'', politi| offier ..Khoma'';

    no. ..02'', ''ozero'' - ommander .,Rudyi', (|urii Ste|mashhuk), mi|itaryhief of staff ,.Vovhak'' 27 (o|eksii Shum)' po|itia| offier ..ur',;

    no. ..03'', "I. Bohu''-''Sih'' - ommnder ..Livar'', mi|itary hief of staff.,K|ishh'' (Porphyrii Antoniuk), politia| offier ..Brova''.

    Group no. ..04',, ..Tiutiunnyk,' - mi|itary hief of stff ..Oheretenko''(Ptro Hudzovatyi), poIitia| hief of staff .,orel'',..Bystryi'' (PetroStepanenko). A fw ompnis from other groups were tmporariIy assignedto this group 28.

    2a As of mid.Sptember 1943, ..Borysten' (Dmytro Koriets) ssumed the duties of hiefof stff of the .,Zahrv'group'

    25 |n November 1943 beg the orgniztion of the Zdo|buniv btt|ion ommnded by..Yarbi'(Myko| svystun,


    26 o rry out spifi ssigments nd raids, idividua| omies ot the ..Bohu" gouptemporri|y joied togethr to form batt|ions.

    2' Took omm"nd of the "ozero" divisio (zahi) s of mid-Sptembr 1943 (assumd dte).,,Leoid Yavorenko' (Myko| Pv|ovyh) beame the mi|itary hiet of stff.

    2E For examp|e, the ompay ommanded by ..Lev,' (|va Len), transterred from the ..Turiv,'

    group, raided in the Zhytomyr oblast i August.Otober 1943.


  • As of August 15, 1943, the UPA Supreme Command, having prolimeditself "the supreme and sole sovereign authority" on the territories of UkraineIiberated by the insurget army from Soviet and Grman oupiers and Polisholonists, itrodued private owership of land by Ukrainian peasants. Inorder to divide up the land and distribute it to peasants, land ommissionswre eleted. he distribution of vilb|e |nd for private ownership beganin September2g. As of September 1, by mens of separat dirtive, agovernment was established on the territories under UPA ontro| to regu|teommunity |ife. his government ws made up of bodies e|etd from thevi||age to the ob|ast - ouni|s and mangement bords.

    Within insurgent-ontro|Ied territories, univers| dution was introduedfor shoo| age hi|drn and shools were supposed to open by September30, 1943. o defend th ivi|ian popu|ation against attak and p|under, theUPA Suprem Command ordeed the organization of vil|age se|f-defene unitsand direted their stablishment. For this purpos' al| young peop|e e|igib|efor mi|itry srvie were given military and other training.

    The merging of insurgent units into a single military body representeda systemati pross of the reation of an army. For this purpose, orderno. 8, dated August 2l,1943, introdued UPA mi|itary ranks and spifiedthat, in keeping with tradition, a|| so|diers were to be a||d .,kozaks''.

    ln September 1943, the UPA introdued a fieId military po|ie (VPZh)to rep|e the various lie subunits within a|| groups and divisions. o deaIwith rimina| ases, |ie posts were estab|ishd in the rer |ines. o o||etnd produ maps' a artography uit ws estab|ished within every group.

    In ear|y autumn 1943, seprate av|ry units (squads, p|atoons,ompanies) were orgaized within UPA subunits. For examp|e, in Eni's group(..Bohun',) a ava|ry ompany began to be orgaized in Septmber under theommand of Co|. Danko (o|eksandr Danlenko). UPA efforts a|so fousedon organizing radio ommunition, whih was used for liaison with unitsin Po|issia. For propaganda, mmoiristi, artisti and arhivaI tasks, the UPAUkrainian Press Servie was organized.

    With the growth of the UPA, a strong need arose for inter| triningof offier adres. For this purpose, forma| offiers' shools were organizedduring the summer and utumn of 1943. ln Ju|y, s part of trainingompany |ed by Lt. Horyn (Lev Krysko), the ..Druzhynyky'' offiers, (yunaki)shooI was estabIished. During its entire |ife, the shoo| operted at the UPASuprem Command headquartrs, Where it also aled as an interna| defeneirle. he extrna| dfene ir|e was formed in turn by divisions (zhony)of the..Zahrava,' group. xept during times of German ations, th shooland its staff were quartered in forest homesteads in the Stepn rion. Staff

    29 on the bsis of doUments found i the Rivne ob|st state Arhiv (DARO), we ansay with ertinty tht svera| thousnd peesant fmiIies in the Rive ob|st were given |nd.


  • offiers and instrutors taught vrious disiplines in the shool. one thefour-month training ourse and examinations were ompleted, in Deember1943, the work of the shool was finished.

    |n addition to this first shool, a seond offirs, (yunaki) shool, ..Lisovi

    horty'', was organized in otober, under the diretion of Lt. ..Pol'' (FedirPo|iovyi). After de|ivering an abbreviated ourse of training and ear|y exams'the shoo| ended its work in January 1944. he shoo|'s property nd someof the instrutors and students (yunaki) moved to the Carpathian Mountains,where a third offiers' shool was establishd ,,o|ni no. 1''.

    on omp|etion of the offiers' shool, on|y those graduates who hadprevious ommand experine or obtaind very high marks in theexaminations were awarded the most junior offier rank, Seond Lieutnant(khorunzhyi). Most graduates were made non-ommissioned offirs. Afteromp|eting training, the graduates returned to their mi|itary groups, wherthey were given assignments as required.

    To fill the ned for qualified non-ommissioned offiers, at differenttimes during the seond ha|f of 1943 ther operated from one to three non-ommissiond offiers' shools with every UPA group exept ..Tiutiunnyk''.

    During the autumn, there were two shoo|s,..Khorty,'and..Vzuvii'', withinthe..Zahrava', group. |n the..Bohun',group, the existee of the..Pivnih''shoo| is known. |n the ..Turiv'' group, there were shoo|s within al| threedivisions (zahony).

    Apart from these shools, there operated Within the groups and VOsa who|e range of engineering, driving, health, radio tehnia|, telephone,eonomi management and othr types of training, ourses and shooIs toprepare prsonnel for UPA and rear |ine servies.

    of the ations arried out by the UPA during the fa|l-winter 1943, thebst known in|ude:

    _ the vitorious ombt tions of a formtion made up of nine ..Turiv''

    group ompanies, under the tati| ommand of ommander ,.Vovhk''(otesii Shum) against German po|ie subunits, whih took p|ae onSeptember 7-9 ner th vi|lage of Rdovyhi, uriia raion,

    _ the heroi defene on Septmber 11, 1943 by the platoon ommandedby ,.Bereza', (Andrii Martsyniuk), whih was surrounded in the Zahorivmonastery (Horokhiv raion), agaist ttks by the muh larger fores ofGrmn rmoured infantry, rtillery nd ir fore,

    - the raid nd skirmishes of two ,.iutiunnyk'' group batta|ions withGerman nd Soviet partisn subunits in otober 1943 in the westernZhytomyr region,

    - the attak in otobr by divisions of th ..Turiv'' nd .,Zahrava,,groups on Sovit prtisan bases in the Liubeshiv and orohany raions ofPolissia,


  • - the unsuessful attak by a six
  • group' after partia| demobilization and the trnsfer of the ..Kot|ovyn''division (zahin) 2 to the "Zahrava" group' numbered 3,048 members onJanury 1, 1944. |f we inIude the demobilized me and the members ofvarious rear line armed f ormatios, UPA memrship rahed 15-20thousnd3. Among the fators inhibiting UPA growth wsthe |ak ofWeapons' ammunition nd trined offier dres.

    To outr th prob|em of weapo and ammunition shortage, the UPAnd rer |ines estb|ished sma|| workshops for the repair, onversion andprodution of wepons nd mmunition. For the prodution of |ight infantryWaponsl the workshops began to operatein a systemati, ssemb|y-|iefashion. Thus, a workshop in the southern Rivne region ws produing.,Komar'' inediary grendes.

    |n spite of the lak of any signifiant mteria| end tehnia| base' theUPA ommand a|so tried to establish units rmd with heavy weapons seizdfrom enemy fores. Separate artil|ery uits wre orgnized within groups,divisions ad battalions. A separate |ight battery ommnded by ..Bereza''was formed within the "Bohun'' group. Aording to ertin information,tanks wre used y the UPA, in partiu|ar in the ,.l. Bohu'' - ..Sih'' ndthe "Konovalets" divisions (zahony). During the passage of the German-Soviet front through PZUZ territory, the UPA's ess to ifantry Weapons,ammunition nd sometimes even heavy weapons inreased signifiantly.

    With th approah of the German-Soviet front to PZUZ territory, therear |in nd UPA began to prepare ative|y for the arriv| of Soviet ru|eand its system of reprssion (NKVD-NKGB). The aim of the preparations wasto maintain a lasting insurgent strugg|e against the new oupiers. Largesupplis of food, uniforms and weapons Wre proured and stored inunderground hidig pIes. Seret hideouts or bunkers were dug and bui|tfor the UPA ad rer |ine. Various types of sbotage groups were formed.Strong anti-Soviet propaganda was waged.

    The hanges ourring in the military and po|itia| situation both onPZUZ trritory and in the broader ontext of the war (German |osses, Ita|y'ssurrendr, et.) |ed to ontats being made by the UPA and rear |ine withreprsenttives of various formtions in the German rmy' administratio andpo|ie. The most developed were the ontats (disussions) with theommands of Hungarian mi|itry units operting in Vo|yn ad Po|issia. |npartiulr, an greement was reahed regrding non-aggression and theessation of ford requisitions from the iviIian popu|ation by theHungrians. here were signifint ontts and movemnt to the UPA side

    2 he ..otlovy' divisio (zhin) d its base territory, th Lutsk mi|itry ndrion.,Khortytsi', wr trsfrred to the ..Zahrv" group (V0) in November 1943 (ssumed dte).I ar|y 1944, the divisio (zhin) ws given the nme ..Khvstiv division' (zahin).

    3 sodo| P. llkroinsko Povstoncho Armio' |943-t949. New York: Pro|oh, 1994, p. 47.


  • of variousnationl units (Uzbeks, Trtars, Azerbaidzhanis, Gorgians andother) from the German side. As for Ukrainian-Germn ontats (disussions)'the onditions of these ontats varied dending on the importae of thepartiipants, and in most ases, Were deemd unsatisfatory. The demandsof the UPA and its rer |ine foused minly on seurity of the ivi|inpopultion, |iberation of imprisond leaders of the Ukrainian ationl |ibertionmovement nd prourement of weapons nd ammunition. Later, disussionswith German offiials were forbidden by the UPA ommnd.

    ln January-February' 1944, after the Soviet advane, most of Volyn andPoIissia was taken over by Soviet troops. on January 11 and 27, the itisof Sarny and ostrih were taken. on February 2, the ob|ast entrs of Rivneand Lutsk fell. ln the spring, the German-Soviet front stopped along theKremianets - Lokahi - Kove| - Kamin-Kashrskyi line. Most UPA-Noth units,as we|l s the new|y-organized UPA-South, moved to, or found themse|veson, Sovit-ontroI|ed territory. Thus began a new' Soviet period of theiroperations.

    ***he douments and materia|s o||eted in the seond vo|ume of the new

    series of ..Litopys UPA'' in|ude appeals, orders, diretives, istrutions,rports, et., whih doumentthe miIitary and administrative tivities of theUPA and rear |ine in Vo|yn nd Po|issi in 1943 and ear|y .1944.

    The vo|ume onsists of a historia|, methodoIogia| introdutio, thedoumnts and materia|s with nnotations, |ist of pub|iations found invarious douments, a Iist of i||ustrations, a list of abbreviations and a nameand p|ae nme index. The douments nd materials re organized into fivethemati setions. ah setion re|ates to a speifi UPA struture: the UPASupreme Command, the "Zahrava" group (VO), the "Bohun" group (VO), the..Turiv'' group (Vo) nd the ..iutiunnyk', group (Vo). xept for th setionon the UPA Supreme Command (UPA-Noth), eah setion is organized intoseveral hapters grouping speifi types of doumnts and materia|s:douments of the group ommand; douments (and materi|sa) of units andsubunits; rports of units and subunits; douments (and materia|s) of theVo rer Iine; reports of leaders of the Vo rear |ine.

    For this voIume of douments and materi|s, we used the o||etionsof the Centra| State Arhive of Highest orgns of Government andAdministration of Ukraie (TsDAVO) and the State Arhive of Rivne Ob|ast(DARO). Certin douments nd materi|s ome from th Centr| StateArhive of Community organizations of Ukraine (TsDAHo) and the state

    a Mteria|s providd i various hpters with douments of the ..Zhrv'', ..Bohun,', ..Turiv,'

    d,.Tiutiunyk' groups (VOs)'


  • Arhive of the Seurity Servie of Ukrine. very doument is identifiedsas to its o||etion, desription, fi|e and fo|io.

    A few doumnts not found in these ol|etions have been reprintedfrom the first vo|ume of ,.Litopys UPA" reissued in Cnad in 1989. heTsDAVo of Ukraine and DARO olletions are the largest o|Ietions of oUNand UPA doumnts nd materils from the period of the Seond Wor|dWar in Volyn nd Po|issia. The guiding priniple for th se|etio ofdouments for the vo|ume.Was to obtain and present the most.ompletegroup of poliy-relevant doumets nd materils produed by the UPA ndits rear |ine strutures. he task was made more diffiu|t by the vast numberof douments nd materia|s in vrious o||etions and the |ak of onretinformation about their ontnts.

    Th first themati setion, the douments d materials of the UPA(UPA-North) Suprem Command nd its units' overs various aspets of themilitary and rear |ine |eadership o the territoris of Volyn and Po|issiaovered by insurgent operations. The first part begins with proIamationissued y the UPA Suprem Commad on May 20' 194 under the tit|e..Ukrainins!',, whih alls for struggle alongside the UPA gainst Ukrine'sinvaders. he prolamation estab|ishs the forma| sepration of the SupremeCommand from the oUNsD kri |eadership on PZUZ territory. By a diretivedated August 15,1943, and signed by UPA ommnder ..K|ym Savur'' (DmytroK|iahkivskyi)' the UPA Supreme Commad pro|aims itsIf .,the supeme andon|y sovereign authority on the Iiberated territories of Ukrine'' andintrodues private ownership of land by peasants. UPA Supreme Commandorders no. 5 and 6, dated August 15 and 25,1943, addressed to the UPAnd rer |ines, deal with po|iti|.propganda, eonomi and mi|itary-organizational ativities' Order no. 7, dated August 27, 1943, provides forthe eIetion of |oal ouni|s nd |ad ommissions and introdues universIshooling of youth. ordr o.8 to the UPA, dated August 2l,1943,estab|ishes system of miIitary ranks. Order no. 8, dated August 30,1943,to rer |ine ommandrs, direts the organization of publi se|defene units.

    A speia| order dated August 31, 1943, dea|s with ..Ukrinian ArmedFores Day''. The UPA Supreme Commnd order of September 1, 1943,estab|ishs a ivi|ian goverment in Ukraine. The next Supreme Commandorder dea|s with organizing radio ommuniatio nd a avlry (no. 9,September 1'1943). Speifia|ly, by otober 15, 1943, every UPA group Wassupposed to have formed not less than one ava|ry ompny. The fo||owingSupreme Command orders deal with underground tivity and themintenane of militry serets (no. 10, September 3), battIe and defene

    5 A xeption is the order dted sptember 9, 1943 by uBohun" mi|itry region rear|ine ommnder..Ptshka'(doument No. 192)' whih omes from the state Arhive of the SeurityServie of Ukrine and hs on|y the folio numer.


  • tatis (no. 11, september 4, 1943), the organization of offiers' shoo|s nddiffernt types of traiing (no. 12, Sptember 4, 1943), allotment of mi|itaryranks (no. 13, Septmber 4, 1943), mi|itary inte||igene reporting (no. 15,September 7, 19436) and funtionl nd mi|itary administrtive matters (no.16, September 26, 1943). A separate order signed by the UPA SupremeCommand Military Chief of staff, ol. .,Hoharenko', (Leonid Stupnytskyi)speaks of a fi|d ourt mrtial sntene and prohibits eptane of so|diersfrom other units for servie (Otober 18, 1943).

    The next bath of Supreme Command ordrs dal with po|iy towardsvarious nationl units within the German rmy (no. 17, otober 28, 1943),hemil nd bterio|ogiI defene (no. 18, otober 25, 1943), sendingpersonnel to offiers' shooI nd mi|itary training (no. 19, otober 30, 1943),thrift (no. 20, Novembr 10, 1943) and he|th.re|ated mtters (no. 21,November 12,1943l,.

    Fin||y, orders signed by the UPA ommander using the pseudonym..Panas Mosur'' (Dmytro K|iahkivskyi), referring to intensive politia| work|no, 22, November 26, 1943), broadening of the mandte of the SeurityServie (no, 27, Janury 1944) nd the e|ebration of the year of UPA armdstrugg|e (no. 28, January 24, 1944| re desribed. We note tht as of orderno. 2l, ..Pans osur'' is identif id s the UPA-North Commander. The lastorder presented her, no. 29, dated January 26,1944, deals with methodsof opertion in the Soviet ontext.

    The seond part of the thmati setion onsists of doumets andmatriIs of the UPA and rer |ine po|itial division.

    They inlude instrutions regrding propagnda-politil olfiers (no. 1,June 10, 1943), the rights and duties of soia| offiers (no. 2, 1943), rertingby the dethment soial offier (no. 3, 1943), the organization nd workof the Ukrainian Press Srvie (UPS) (September 1943) and ideoIogial ndpo|itia| instrution of members (otobr 18, 1943). Thse are followd bydiretive no. 1, datd Otobr 2l,1943' nd signd by the po|itial divisionhief, ..Hlyn'' (Yakiv Buse|), about the distriution and reading of Iiteratur.

    Last among the douments of this part are those deling with theprogram for onduting instrutiona| ta|ks, reports and |etures in the UPA(Otober), an instrution for politi| offiers in UPA units (1943) andinditions for propaganda work amog the popu|ation (19a3).

    Following, is separate doument of the entre for other natioa|ities.|t is an instrution about organiztion, use and information with rgard tonationa| units in the UPA and the Germn army (Deember 2, 1943).


    35 The originl doument is erroneously dted Otober 7, 1943.

  • The next part onsists of douments and mteria|s of the UPA SeurityServie. |n|uded here are a notie about the snte passed by the UPArevo|utionary tribuna| (Septmber 25,1943| and a Surity Servie instrutionto UPA and rear |ine |eaders about seuring UPA and rear |ine ativities (no.1, January 15, 1944).

    These re fol|owed by douments nd mteri|s of the UPA and rarline eonomi managmet division. hey in|ud instrutions for organizingan eonomi mangement pparatus (May 19a3) ad diretives regrding theduties ol unit supp|y offirs (July 15' 1943). The organization of maagmentand aounting ourses within the UPA eonomi management setion is setout in p|n dated September 20' 194' The douments that fo||ow wereprodued by th UPA Supreme Command eonomi management setionhad, ..Zubatyi'' (Antin oroz). They in|ude reguIations for rear |ine workersregarding the work of the Women's setion of the Ukrinian Rd Cross(November 20, 1943) and an instrution to Vo 002 ..Bohu,' materia|mangement offiers about bread bking (November-Deember 1943). Thsetion ends with instrutions about hiding grain, onserving meat (19a3) ndperforming nW invntory of aI| UPA property (Dember .l, 1943).

    The |ast part presents doumnts of the Ukrinin Red Cross. Theyinlude the Ukrinian Red Cross regu|ations (November 10, 1943) and aninstrution for organizig of UPA nd rer |ine hea|th servis (1943).

    The seond themati setion onsists of douments of the ,,Zahrava,'group (Vo) and other formtions operting in the northern prt of the Rivneoblast in Ukraine and adjaent rions of Belarus.

    he first hpter, douments of units and subunits, begis with ordersof the ommand of the ,,Zahrava', group's predeessor, the ..First UPAGroup'', overing the period from June 15 to September 6, 1943 andspifying the estblishment and tivity of insurgent units. The fol|owingorder, dated a 2, 1943, by the ..First UPA Group'' materiel managementsetion head ..Potap'' dea|s with performing an inventory of property andfood supplies. The finl group of douments in this hapter re orders ,.by

    ombat group ommnder ..Borysten'' (Dmytro Koiets), dated August 5 toSptember 17,194, informing the units of the group,s ondition and ations.

    The seond haptr presents douments of the ommand of the.,Zahrava'' group. It begins with orders, dated August .l5 to Novembr 24,1943, by group ommander ,,Dubovyi'' (lvan Lytvynhuk). These are foI|owedby sveral ordrs by the mi|itary hief of staff ..Borysten'' (Dmytro Korints),dated otober 5 to November 30' 1943. Another set of douments areorders, dated August 20 to November 1l,194, by po|itia| hief of staff..ostap'', dea|ing with health-relted, eduational and othr matters. hehapter ends with an order, dated Deembr 10, 1943, from the hief of theSeurity Srvie (UDsB) mi|itary intel|igene divisio, ,Nemo'' (o|. lvanT