10 english ass.d… · web vie


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1. Read the given passage carefully:


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According to a legend, the world originated in the Garden of Eden, a place of pristine beauty and nature’s bounty. Words such as pollution, disaster, poverty, population were unheard of. Today, we see this pristine Eden being continually ravaged and destroyed.

The root cause of this destruction is that man has forgotten that he did not weave the web of life and that he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does unto himself. In the pursuit of industrial development and betterment of the standards of living, man has shamefully and grossly neglected the fellow members of the biotic world and the environment in general. A big chunk of responsibility for containing the plague driving our presently polluted and populous planet towards crisis rests with industries and business. Three major impacts that industries have had on the world are water contamination, air pollution and deforestation. All these factors have brought about great ecological imbalance which in turn is affecting crucial elements such as rainfall and climate and also challenging the existence of certain plants and animals.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following sentences. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.

1. The Garden of Eden used to be a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. To develop the standards of living, man had ignored------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. The word ‘ravaged’ means----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. The great ecological imbalance is caused by-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Biotic world’s is challenged by---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PASSAGE (2)

2. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

On August 12th, after sixteen days of exciting athletic competition at the 2012 Summer Olympics, the final medal count is in. When all was said and done, Team USA ended up with a


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haul of 104 Olympic medals. The entire count for all the countries was 962. The 2012 Olympics closing ceremony was an explosion of lights, fireworks and technicolour marvels, infused with live performance by Great Britain’s best known musical artists. It was one of the greatest after – parties of all time and the perfect end to a perfect Summer Games.

On day sixteen, the final day of competition, the United States jumped to its biggest lead in the medal count against powerhouse China on August 12th. Team USA earned two more medals (both gold), but China didn’t win any on the final day. The United States has won 104 total medals and 46 gold medals. China has claimed 87 total medals and 38 gold ones. Overall, the United States lead the 2012 Olympics medal count by 17 medals over its nearest competitor.

At the end of the closing ceremony, the Olympic flag was passed to the next Summer Olympics host country, Brazil in anticipation of the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro. During the closing ceremony, Great Britain’s Olympic organizer thanked the thousands of volunteers and athletes for making the 2012 London Olympics summer Games to remember.

The London Olympic Games were marked by moments of heroism and heartbreak, but for 17 days, it was a magical time when different countries united as one to celebrate the world’s best athletes and the spirit of competition.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions briefly.

(a) What was special about 2012 Olympic Games? A.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (b) Why was the 16th day of the Olympic Games lucky for USA? A.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) How was the closing ceremony of London Olympic Games? A.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (d) Who was the host of the 2016 Olympic Games? A.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (e) For how many days were the 2012 London Olympic Games held?A.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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(f) Who was the ultimate winner of the games, with a lead of how many medals?A.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Find words in the passage which mean the same as the following.

(a) gain (para-1)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(b) contestant (para-2)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(c) courage, strength (para-4) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


3. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:

Kids of all ages – preschoolers to teens can be tempted to steal for different reasons. Very young children sometimes take things they want without understanding that things cost money and that it’s wrong to take something without paying for it. Elementary school children usually know they’re not supposed to take something without paying for it, but they may take it anyway because they lack enough self control. Preteens and teens know they are not supposed to steal, but they may steal for the thrill of it or because their friends are doing it. Some might believe they can get away with it. As they are given more control over their lives, some teens may steal as a way of rebelling.

There may be more complex reasons why some children and teens steal. They may be angry or want attention. Their behaviour may reflect stressful problems they are having at home, at school, or with friends. Some may steal as a cry for help because of emotional or physical abuse they are enduring at home. In other cases, kids and teens might steal to get popular name- brand items. In some cases, they may take things to support drug habits.

Whatever the reason for stealing, parents need to find out the root of the behaviour and address other underlying problems, like drug abuse, that may face. When a child has been caught stealing, a parent’s reaction should depend on whether it’s the first time or there is a pattern of stealing. With very young children, parents need to help them understand that stealing is wrong – that when you take something without asking or paying for it, it hurts someone else. If a preschooler takes a piece of candy, for instance, parents can help the child return the item. If the child has already eaten the candy, parents can take the child back to the store to apologise and pay for it.

On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions carefully.

a. Why do little children tend to steal?



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b. What are the possible reasons behind stealing by teens?


c. What do parents need to understand to stop their child from stealing?


d. How can the parents help very young children from keeping them away from stealing?


e. Choose word from the options which mean the same as:1. allured/attractedi. lack ii. temptediii. abuse iv. Control

2. tolerating

i. enduring ii. emotional

iii. stealing iv. apologise


4. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:

Conversation is indeed the most easily teachable of all arts. All you need to do in order to become a good conversationalist is to find a subject that interests you and your listener.


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There are, for example, numberless hobbies to talk about. But the important thing is that you must talk about the other fellow’s hobby rather than your own. Therein lies the secret of your popularity. Talk to your friends about the things that interest them and you will get a reputation for good fellowship, charming wit and brilliant mind. There is nothing that pleases people so much as your interest in their interests. A good conversationalist can be effective only if he/she is able to blend humour, wit, topics of good interest, presence of mind, knowledge of various things, logical thinking etc. in fine proportion.

Praise and appreciate people, for nothing pleases a man more than appreciation and flattery.

It is just as important to know what subjects to avoid as what subject to select for good conversation. Be careful to avoid unpleasant topics. Avoid talking about yourself unless you are asked to do so. Use simple words and let the conversation be interesting. Avoid flowery use of language. Do not repeat the things or talk boastfully about your own self. Let the talk be lively and interesting. People are interested in their own problems, not yours; sickness or death bores everybody. Similarly age-old tales, happenings of the past even though they may be real, will never interest the listeners. The only one who willingly listens to such talk is the doctor, because he gets paid for it.

On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions:

a. What are the basic needs of good conversation?


b. What should be avoided in good conversation?


c. How can conversation be made effective?


d. What topics do not interest people?


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e. Find words from the passage that are the opposites of:

i. uninterested__________________________

ii. illogical______________________________


5. Read the following passage carefully.

During Emperor Akbar’s reign, there was a poor man in Agra, who was thought to bring bad luck. People believed that if anyone looked at his face in the morning, they would have a bad day.. “Get lost, you ugly fellow!” he would be cursed by one and all. “Hide your face before you kill someone with your evil eye!”

The emperor soon heard of this man’s reputation and wanted to see him. The poor fellow, who had not harmed a single person in his life, was brought to Akbar.

Akbar took a look at him and asked him to be brought back in the evening.

That particular day was especially full and tiring day for the emperor and his courtiers.

So, many matters had to be attended to, that Akbar even forgot to eat. By the end of the day the emperor was exhausted. To make matters worse, Akbar was informed that his favourite child, little prince Salim, had fallen ill.

Then the emperor suddenly remembered that he had seen the face of the ‘unlucky’ man that morning. That was it. It was that man’s entire fault, Akbar decided.

Akbar called his courtiers and told them that he was going to have ‘unlucky’ man executed. All of them agreed immediately.

All except Birbal. Birbal started laughing.

“ What’s the matter, Birbal?” asked the emperor. “You seem to find something funny!”

“Nothing, your Majesty.” Replied Birbal.

“You say this man brings bad luck because you had to go without food ever since you saw him this morning. Look at his luck. Yours was the first face he saw today and he has to die because of it.”


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Akbar immediately realized his fault and rewarded Birbal for his wisdom.

Q. On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions briefly.

(a) Why had Emperor Akbar not eaten food?


(b) What was Akbar informed about his favourite child?


(c) Why did Akbar decide to execute the poor?


(d) What was Birbal’s initial reaction when he heard that the poor man would be executed?


(e) Why was Birbal rewarded?



6. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

Mines are perhaps the most terrible weapons of modern wars because they kill soldiers during wartime and because they can kill or injure innocent civilians in peacetime.

When the war in Bosnia ended in 1996, people were happy but they knew that they were still in danger since there were about six million mines hidden in former Yogoslavia. A lot of these mines have now been found and removed; but doing this is very dangerous. A person may be walking along a path through the fields, and suddenly, the ground explodes under his feet.


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Sometimes mines are found by chance by young children, who start playing with them as if they were toys. The consequences can be fatal.

Mine clearing is one of the jobs that the British soldiers of the U.N. are doing in Bosnia. The soldiers also visit schools to show mines to children and warn them about the dangers, which will continue for years. An international convention took place in autumn 1997, but some countries, like the U.S.A. and China refused to sign it. Every day, every minute, a person gets killed or injured by a mine in Europe, Africa or Asia.

Answer the following question: (a)Why the mines are considered terrible?


(b) What had happened to many mines in former Yugoslavia?


(c)Why is it dangerous to remove mines?


(d)How can mines pose a danger to children?


(e)What is the role of British soldiers in Bosnia?



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7. A park created by a Maharaja, the Keoladeo Ghana National Park, 176 km. from Delhi and 55 km. west of Agra and the Taj Mahal, is perhaps the only habitat created by a Maharaja. Two Km away from Bharatpur town, the royal family of Bharatpur developed the area in the late 19th Century.

The Maharaja constructed small dams for water conservation, diverted water from a nearby irrigation canal and soon thousands of water birds descended. The Maharaja, wanting to celebrate his success, invited dignitaries of British and Princely India to shoot waterfowl. The sandstone in the park records the exploitation of those days. The first recorded shoot was by Lord Curzon in 1902. In 1956, the habitat shooting reserve became a sanctuary but the shooting continued until 1964. The sanctuary was upgraded to a National Park in 1981 and renamed Keoladeo Ghana. This 29 sq. km. fresh water shallow swamp of Keoladeo Ghana with kadam, babul (Acacianilotica) - ber and ficus trees has a rich aquatic vegetation, 50 species of fish, five species of amphibians, 28 species of reptiles and more than 366 species of birds (which include 32 species of birds of prey) and 27 species of animals like blackbuck, sambar, spotted deer, bluebull and 379 floral species.

The painted storks, like many other birds in Bharatpur during the monsoon, are local migrants. The highlight of the park is that it is the only known wintering area of the highly endangered central population of the Siberian cranes. 27 Migratory birds at the park start arriving in October for wintering. That wetlands help in maintaining the freshwater flow within river systems is a known fact. In Bharatpur, the shallow aquifiers of the Gangetic plain are recharged during the monsoon and from streams and wetlands in all seasons.

According to a report by Wetlands International, one-third of the world's wetlands are located in Asia.

Complete the following sentences based on your reading of the passage in your own words:

a.The dams for water conservation served a dual purpose for the Maharaja because---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

b. What is the purpose of the sandstone in the park ?


c. The National Park is full of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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d. By what is the Keoladeo Ghana visited in winters?


e. The word in the fourth paragraph that means 'growing or living in or near water' is-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

f. Where is Keoladeo Ghana National Park situated?



8. Read the following passage carefully.


It is believed that the early Chinese were the first to send a greeting card for the New Year. They sent tidings of goodwill. Evidence also shows that ancient Egyptians wrote greetings on papyrus scrolls.

The next stop on the timeline is around 1400 when the Germans used woodcuts to print New Year’s wishes. In the early or mid 1400s Europeans exchanged handmade paper greetings for Valentine’s Day. The British Museum has a Valentine greeting card from the 1400s that is the oldest known greeting card in existence.

The introduction of the postage stamp in 1840 helped in the popularity of the greeting cards. What was once relatively expensive, handmade, and personally-delivered gift became an effective and affordable means of personal communication. Another factor promoting advancement was the improvement of printing methods. However, mass production didn’t mean the end of the elaborate greeting card. The Victorian era saw some very ornate and intricate designs of greeting cards.

Source: Greeting Cards Resource

(a)From where did the greeting cards originate?



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(b)On what did the Egyptians write the greetings?


(c)What did the Europeans do on the Valentine’s Day in mid 1400s?


(d)Where is the oldest known Valentine’s Greeting card preserved?


(e)What were the two factors that popularized the greeting cards all the more?


(f) What did the Germans use to print the New Year wishes?


(g)What happened in 1840?


(h)What did the Victorian Era witness in the history of greeting cards?


(i)Which words in the above passage have the same meaning as the following words:

i. Complicated----------------------------------------------------------- Ii Fame---------------------------------------------------------------------


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You are Sapna/Shivang of Red Rose Public School. You feel that the rising crime and violence in the society can be attributed to the increased exposure of teenagers to violent video games that they view. Write an article in approximately 120 words expressing your views on ‘Violent video games should be banned.A.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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You read the following news clip in the newspaper and you decide to write an article based on it. Discuss what makes children heroes and what can various agencies do in order to help them to do their best. (word limit -120-150 words)

Delhi: 26th January---------14 brave children who performed various feats that showed courage were awarded National Bravery Awards by the President of India. The occasion was the eve of the 64th Republic Day.



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You came across plastic bottles in your school compound. You were worried that inspite of so much awareness programmes today’s generation is still not taking the harmful effects of plastics seriously. After reaching home you decide to write an article for the school magazine, highlighting- The Harmful Effects of Plastics’.



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You recently read the following newspaper report clip that highlighted the immense wastage of water by the Five Star Hotels and others. Write an article to be published in the local newspaper sharing your views and offering suggestions. (Word limit 150-200 words)

Delhi: 30th March. The Delhi Pollution Control Committee has ordered a probe into the millions of tons of water being wasted by the Five Star Hotels in the capital. This is being done in order to prevent the wastage of water.



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5.Write an article for your school magazine in about 150-200 words, highlighting the benefits of a balanced diet and regular exercise.



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6. Teen years are fun years. Write an article commenting on the statement in about 120-150 words.



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7.You recently read the following newspaper report clip that highlighted the immense wastage of water by the Five Star Hotels and others. Write an article to be published in the local newspaper sharing your views and offering suggestions. (Word limit 150-200 words)

Delhi: 30th March. The Delhi Pollution Control Committee has ordered a probe into the millions of tons of water being wasted by the Five Star Hotels in the capital. This is being done in order to prevent the wastage of water.



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8.Write an article voicing your concern about the commercialization of education in about 120-150 words.


High fee structures------running as a profitable business-----promoting inequality--------out of the reach of the poor------creating two groups in the society-----



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1.Taking help from the information given below and inventing your own details, write a speech in 120 words to be delivered by you in the morning assembly of your school on Right To Education (RTE).

Value Points:RTE an appropriate step to boost children education – born for poor children – right of children to free and compulsory education – gap between govt. and elite schools – improvement in school facilities – sincere efforts needed – future bright.



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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEECH WRITING(2)

2.Write a speech on the topic ‘Fight against Terrorism to save Your Country’ in about 120-150 words.



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3. “The Teacher gives you the spark which will enable you to develop a new outlook on life and new kind of being.”

Using hints from the above lines, write a speech to be delivered in the morning of your school on the role of teachers in moulding the character and personality of students.



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4. Our streets are littered with paper bags, empty cans, fruit peelings and so many other used throwaways. Not only do our cities look unclean but lack of cleanliness can even lead to an outbreak of an epidemic. Write a speech in 100-150 words on ‘Clean India, Healthy India’, which you have to deliver in the morning assembly.



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1. On a rainy day--------roads blocked with floods------an infant floating on water in a basket-----use your imagination and complete the story in about 150- 200 words.



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2.Complete the following story in 150 – 200 words.

Yash saw his last rupee disappear. He had spent all he had--------------------------------------------



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3.Here is a story that has to be published in the school magazine. It has been left incomplete. Complete the story on the basis of your imaginations.

Samreen was going to Kashmir with her classmates. She made all the necessary preparations. She packed her bags for 10 days tour. Unfortunately she left her purse at home and then she had no money. She--------------------------------------------------



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4.All of a sudden I got up from deep sleep in the middle of the night. I was badly sweating-----------------complete the story in about in about 150-200 words. Give a suitable title to it.



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5.Write a story in about 120-150 words using the hints given below.


Sitting near a window---------enjoying the rain on the mountains------pitter patter on the window pane-----disturbed sound of the FM station----unable to access Radio stations-------fresh greenery all around------vibrant--------soothing smell of the wet soil--------all of a sudden

noise of the footsteps heard-------door bell rings---------------



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6.Given below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in about 120-150 words.

Aashi was going to school. Suddenly a car-------------------------------------------------------------------



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7.Write a short story in about 100- 150 words on the basis of the hints provided:

The door-bell rang. Sunil opened the door. At first he could not recognize the tall and well-dressed man who stood before him. Then the man spoke and all of a sudden---------------------



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1.You are Anuj / Anuja. You came across the following advertisement that promotes a social networking site. You decide to write a letter to the Editor of a National daily, highlighting the negative impacts of Social Networking Sites on today’s generation.



COOL FRIENDS.COM The new social networking site!! Make friends/post pictures Start a New Life Join Today

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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2.You are Yasir / Yasrub. Recently you visited a few slums and you were pained by the lack of literacy of the people living there. Using the points given below write a letter to the Editor of a National Daily showing your concern, and highlighting on ‘Literacy – the need of the hour’.

People in the slum areas------illiterate------pathetic condition-------lack of education leads to lack of development--------NGOs must help--------good literacy chances of employment------co operate with government programmes-------media must take initiate to improve their condition



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3.You are a resident of 17 Sainik Farms, New Delhi-28. Write a letter to the Editor of an English Daily on the problems related to scarcity of water.



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4. You are Samar/ Sameer. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Hindustan Times’, Delhi highlighting the problems of daily commuters in Delhi during the peak hours. Suggest some solutions to overcome the problems.


10 Thousand people commute in Delhi every day. Only limited numbers of buses are there. Other means of transportation is costly. Takes more time. Need for at least 100 more buses.



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5.You are Yasir / Yasrub. Recently you visited a few slums and you were pained by the lack of literacy of the people living there. Using the points given below write a letter to the Editor of a National Daily showing your concern, and highlighting on ‘Literacy – the need of the hour’.

People in the slum areas------illiterate------pathetic condition-------lack of education leads to lack of development--------NGOs must help--------good literacy chances of employment------co operate with government programmes-------media must take initiate to improve their condition


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Today we are living in a world that is divided and war has become common between many countries. You are really disturbed about the happenings in the world. Write a page in your diary expressing your thoughts on the topic: ‘Give Peace a Chance’.



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You have not heard about your friend for last two days mand you are really worried and upset. You are in a confused state of mind. Using the points given below, write a page in your diary expressing your feelings.

Worried------concerned about him--------tried to call him-------no response--------sent a message------no response--------will visit his home if not coming to school tomorrow also.



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1.There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answer sheet as given below :

Incorrect Correct

There had been a explosion at a nuclear (a) _____ _____

power plant into East Germany, releasing (b) _____ _____

into the air unknown qualities a radioactive (c) _____ _____

isotopes, with few resources by place for (d) _____ _____


2.Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences :

(1) better /short-story / William Sydney Porter, / writer / was a / prolific / American / known as / O Henry


(2) ordinary / in / city / he/ about / the life of / New York / people / wrote


(3) Known /sudden /his /are /unexpected /plot/stories /for their / and /twist of


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3. Read the dialogues given below and complete the following paragraph by using the reported speech.

Anu: Have you read the newspaper today?

Rohan: No. Is there any great news?

Anu: Amitabh Bachchan has won the National Award, 2014 for the best actor.

Rohan: Wow! He deserves this National Award.

Anu enquired Rohan whether(a)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Rohan denied and asked if(b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Anu replied that Amitabh Bachchan(c) ------------------------------------------------------------for the best actor. Rohan exclaimed with joy that(d)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Read the conversation between Kanav and Dinesh and complete the following passage in reported speech.

Kanav: Where were you yesterday evening?

Dinesh: There is an exhibition of rare paintings at the Art Gallery. I had gone there.

Kanav: How well are you prepared for the entrance exam next week?

Dinesh: I have been preparing for the whole week.

Kanav asked Dinesh where he(a)---------------------------------------------------------------------evening.

Dinesh replied(b)------------------------------------------------------------at the Art Gallery and(c)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------there. Kanav wanted(d)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for the entrance exam. Dinesh(e)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------preparing for the whole week.

5. Read the dialogues given below and complete the following paragraph by using the reported speech.

Anu: Have you read the newspaper today?

Rohan: No. Is there any great news?

Anu: Amitabh Bachchan has won the National Award, 2014 for the best actor.

Rohan: Wow! He deserves this National Award.

Anu enquired Rohan whether(a)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Rohan denied and asked if(b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.


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Anu replied that Amitabh Bachchan(c) ------------------------------------------------------------for the best actor. Rohan exclaimed with joy that(d)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. Read the conversation between Kanav and Dinesh and complete the following passage in reported speech.

Kanav: Where were you yesterday evening?

Dinesh: There is an exhibition of rare paintings at the Art Gallery. I had gone there.

Kanav: How well are you prepared for the entrance exam next week?

Dinesh: I have been preparing for the whole week.

Kanav asked Dinesh where he(a)---------------------------------------------------------------------evening.

Dinesh replied(b)------------------------------------------------------------at the Art Gallery and(c)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------there. Kanav wanted(d)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for the entrance exam. Dinesh(e)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------preparing for the whole week.

7. Read the dialogues given below and complete the following paragraph by using the reported speech. Do not add

any new information.

Customer: I want to buy a pair of shoes.

Salesman: What type of shoes are you looking for Sir?

Customer: I want some formal shoes. I would prefer brown.

The customer walked into a shop and told the salesman(a)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.The salesman asked him(b)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

The customer said that(c)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

8.Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows.

Mother: Ima how was your debate?

Ima: It went off very well, Mom! I was praised by all the judges as well as the audience.

Mother: That’s really nice. So, what did you get as a prize.


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Ima: They have given me scholarship for two years.

Ima’s mother asked her how(a)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.To that Ima replied that(b)---------------------------------------------------Ima’s mother was happy and asked

her about the prize she got .Ima said that she(c)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

9.There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answer sheet as given below :

Incorrect Correct

There had been a explosion at a nuclear (a) _____ _____

power plant into East Germany, releasing (b) _____ _____

into the air unknown qualities a radioactive (c) _____ _____

isotopes, with few resources by place for (d) _____ _____


10.Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences :

(1) better /short-story / William Sydney Porter, / writer / was a / prolific / American / known as / O Henry


(2) ordinary / in / city / he/ about / the life of / New York / people / wrote


(3) Known /sudden /his /are /unexpected /plot/stories /for their / and /twist of


11.Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows.

Child: I want to buy a birthday card for my little sister.

Salesman: Do you want a small card or a big card?


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Child: I want any card that will show that I love my little sister a lot.

Salesman: Then, it would be better if you make one yourself.

A child told the salesman that (a)-------------------------------------------------------------------his little sister. The salesman asked him (b)-----------------------------------------------------------small or a big card. The child replied that he wanted any card which would show his love for his sister a lot. The salesman then advised him (c)------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

12.Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows.

Customer: Waiter, come here.

Waiter: Yes, Sir.

Customer: Look, here there are flies in my soup.

Waiter: But Sir, they are fresh flies.

Customer: What do you mean?

Waiter: They arrived only this morning Sir.

A customer in a restaurant complained that there were flies in his soup. The waiter told the customer (a)---------------------------------------------------------------------------. When the customer asked(b)---------------------------------------------------------------------------. , the waiter replied that they (c)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

13. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank.

Incorrect correct

It has been rightly say that the ------------ ----------

Choice of books are as important as ----------- ----------

the choice of friends. Books that is ----------- ---------

Selected are friends of a life time. ----------- ---------

I know that it is no possible to ----------- ---------

read all the books from a particular ----------- ---------


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subjects. The best thing is to read the ----------- ---------

better books on the subject. ----------- ---------

14.The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank.

Incorrect correct

The university library open every day. ------------ ----------

Students goes to the library early in the ------------ -----------

morning and works late at night. Some ------------ -----------

student work in the library all night. ------------ ----------

The lights is always on. There is a coffee ------------ ----------

shop near to library. You can’t take coffee ------------ ----------

up the library, but you can take books into ------------ ----------

the coffee shop. The library workers is always ------------ ----------

very busy.

15.The following passage has not been edited. One word is missing from each line. Identify the missing word and write it along with the word before and the word after in your answer sheet. The first one has been done as an example.

Before Missing After

The selfie gang usually a e.g gang is usually

self-obsessed clan. Most them (a) --------- --------- ----------

are always dressed black. The (b) ---------- ---------- ---------

group huddles a picture (c) ---------- ---------- ---------

which immediately uploaded. (d) --------- ---------- ---------

16.. Rearrange the following words into meaningful sentences..


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Tanzanians in Africa have the highest literacy rate.

(a) read / hardly / have / to / they / anything / but


(b) necessary / reading material / for / is / education / effective / good


(c) come to / due to / the printing / costs / but / a standstill / soaring / paper / industry / has


Africa /in/Tanzanians/the highest/have/literary rate


17. The following passage has not been edited. There in one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correct word in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example.

Incorrect Correct

The house on which we were to live e.g. on inwas in one end of the village. (a) --------------- ------------ It was hiding behind a screen of (b) --------------- -------------mango and orange tree and bushes (c) --------------- -------------of hibiscus full from enormous (d) --------------- ------------scarlet flowers. The house were adequate (e) --------------- ------------without be luxurious. We had just finished (f) --------------- ------------unpacking when they were greeted by the (g) -------------- ------------housekeeper which name was Paula. (h) -------------- ------------

18.Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. Drinking large quantities of warm results in sweating, thus removing poisons from the body.

(a) From the body / fasting also / removes / poisons---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(b) Every four hours / the fast / take liquids / during---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(c) The fast / grapes / is recommended / and oranges / during / juice of lemons----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(d) large quantities / of warm water / from the body / drinking / thus / removing poisons / results in sweating------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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19. Read the dialogues given below and complete the paragraph that follows.

Robin: I could not call my English tutor.Mother: Have you cancelled today’s class?Robin: His phone is dead and there is no other way to contact him.Mother: Then nothing can be done.Robin told his mother that (a) ------------------------------------------------------ Mother asked him whether(b)----------------------------------------------------------------------.Robin replied that(c)---------------------------------------------------------------------way to contact him. Mother said that then--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.


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